Two Men, Crossing the Street & From Moscow, with Clove (The Man from U.N.C.L.E.)

Jan 01, 2016 10:31

Happy New Year, everyone!

I wrote two MFU fics for two different winter exchanges:

For brodinsons in Yuletide, I wrote an Illya/Napoleon story that I think might actually count as casefic:
Two Men, Crossing the Street
Illya/Napoleon, PG-13 to R
“They are useless to their countries,” he says slowly. “Everyone knows their real names, their faces. A spy who cannot spy. Is like - like a car that cannot drive. Useless.”
“Ah,” Napoleon says quietly, as if he finally understands what Illya is so angry about. But he doesn’t, Illya thinks, he can’t know, not really, and he isn’t sure if it’s sadness or relief he feels at the thought.

For HelenaKey in The Down the Chimney Affair 2015, I wrote my first Illya/Gaby fic, although it's more friendship fic with background romance, I think:
From Moscow, with Clove
Illya/Gaby, Illya&Napoleon, PG-13
“Of course,” Illya shrugs and drinks again. “The Russians invented it.”

yuletide, illya/napoleon, man from u.n.c.l.e, dtc, illya/gaby

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