Feeling Sun (Shameless, Ian & Carl & Lip, Ian/Mickey, PG-13)

Aug 02, 2015 23:02

Author: Merle
Rating: PG-13
Characters/Pairings: Ian Gallagher/Mickey Milkovich, past Lip Gallagher/Mandy Milkovich, past Lip Gallagher/Helene Runyon, Carl Gallagher & Ian Gallagher, Carl Gallagher & Lip Gallagher, Ian Gallagher & Lip Gallagher, Ian Gallagher & Mandy Milkovich, Lip Gallagher & Mandy Milkovich
Word Count: 19534
Spoilers: Spoilers for Season 5 Finale
Disclaimer: Not mine. Sadly.
Tags/Warnings: Family, Friendship, Post-Season/Series 05, Sibling Bonding, Brotherly Bonding, Reunions, Road Trips, Summer, Alcohol, Reconciliation, Apologies, Skinny Dipping, Ambiguous/Open Ending, Spontaneous Decisions, Car Accidents
A/N: Written for the Shameless Big Bang 2015. Thanks to the lovely romanticalgirl for beta-ing. Thanks to gallavichisforever for the wonderful art.
Summary: It's summer in Chicago, and Carl Gallagher is finally released from prison. His brothers pick him up in the fancy car that Lip has stolen - no, borrowed - from his professor, and life would be good, if not for the fact that Ian and Lip are both distracted and weighed down by their regrets about past mistakes, about unfinished business, about friends and lovers lost. Because Carl is a horrible (or maybe great?) influence, they soon find themselves on the road, on an odyssey to find Mickey and Mandy Milkovich, the siblings who seem to have left the Southside of Chicago - and the men of the Gallagher family - behind for good. On their trip, the Gallagher brothers travel down memory lane, and realize that maybe Mickey and Mandy are not the only people they need to reconnect with to regain what they lost.

Feeling Sun @ AO3

Fanart and Fanmix by gallavichisforever @ tumblr

ian/mickey, gallagher brothers, shameless

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