Author: Merle
Rating: PG-13
Characters/Pairings: Mickey Milkovich, various Gallaghers, Ian/Mickey
Word Count: 7232
Spoilers: Spoilers for Season 5 Finale
Disclaimer: Not mine. Sadly.
Tags/Warnings: Friendship, Family, Post-Season/Series 05 Finale, Relationship Negotiation, Getting Back Together, Slow Build, Mental Health Issues, Speculation about Brain Damage, Ableist/Sexist/Racist Language, Because it's Shameless, Mickey and Ian are working through some shit, Not quite ready but getting there, Mickey and Lip are totally bros, Even though they'd hate to admit it, Something is definitely going on with Liam, Emotional Hurt/Comfort, Past Infidelity, Prison
A/N: This is set in the same verse as
Southside Blues, although it can technically be read as a standalone. It's not a direct sequel - in fact, there are several months (and two forthcoming fics) between the two stories, during which (a) Mickey starts working for Sasha, because he is born to be a pimp, (b) Terry comes back from prison (and is dealt with), (c) Mickey and Ian start hanging out again, but are still working through their issues.There is some discussion of Liam's health in this fic which deals with the fact that Liam's mental and physical development seems to have been pretty much put on hold on the show - I don't know what the writers have in mind for him, but there is some speculation here about what's going on, so be warned if that bothers you.Summary:
"Mickey is going to see Carl with Ian today," Lip says, and closes Debbie's lunch bag.
"Cool," Debbie nods and sits down on Mickey's other side at the table. "I bet you can convince him that he needs to keep his head down if he wants to get out any time soon."
Mickey groans and drags a hand through his hair. "Jesus," he says, "what's with you guys? Why does everyone think I'm the one who can talk sense into Hannibal Lecter Junior?" Four pairs of eyes look at him expectantly, and he exhales and sets down his mug.
"Alright, fine, whatever," he says. "Just don't fucking complain if I end up making it worse."
"We have faith in you," Lip says, completely straight-faced, and the worst thing is that Mickey simply cannot tell if he's shitting him or not.
And I Ain't Seen the Sunshine @ AO3