So. There is this movie called
Marmaduke (apparently a comic adaptation?), which was released last week in the USA.
Apparently, it's a movie about a talking dog who likes to wreak havoc, and whose family moves to California, forcing him to find his place among all the fancy Californian dogs at the dog park.
Okay, I'll be honest: If there is anything I hate more than movies about dogs, it's movies about talking dogs.
The problem is that apparently Chris Colfer is in this movie, or at least, his voice is: according to IMDB, he speaks Drama Dog #2 / Shroom Dog #1 / Beach Dog #1 (I don't know if that means that he actually lends his voice to three different dogs (I repeat: dogs)).
It's probably a sign how far I am gone for this boy that I seriously consider watching this movie, just so I can hear a dog say one sentence with Chris Colfer's voice.
I also went to see Prince of Persia on Saturday. It was not what I would call a good movie, but it was entertaining enough. But it almost physically hurt me to see Jake Gyllenhaal so pumped up on steroids. Oh, don't get me wrong: I'm a sucker for a nice biceps. There's not much I find hotter than, say, Christian Kane alias Eliot Spencer in a super tight shirt:
But Jake Gyllenhaal? It pains me to say this, but I thought he looked kind of ridiculous. I get that he wants to broaden his horizons and his repertoire, but does this mean his chest has to broaden as well? I liked him just fine in Donnie Darko or Brokeback Mountain, when he still looked like himself: