more mail order fun

Mar 30, 2013 14:00

My local USPS delivery woman appeared yesterday, and talked to me quite angrily. Apparently packages to my name were going to another address and I should fix it. No, she did not know anything about the packages, just that I should fix it. Her look was like one of those Japanese grandmothers who is about to pull out a Broom Artifact of Smiting and start beating you with it.
A guy just drove by and dropped off the missing package. He was glad it got to me, I was profusely glad, and he described his googling and how he found me. Which is tricky since my real name doesn't appear with any addresses so far as I know. But I used to live at MMM XXX, now live at NNN YYY, and it was addressed to NON XXX (where NON does not exist so it went to NNN).
I'm a bit freaked out about how my address was both ultra-mangled and appears as an autocorrection via some unknown service. That can't be good for my credit history. Ah well. One more step towards being on the grid but mildly obfuscated. I just have to be careful about all future orders...
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