It's frustrating to open up Photoshop, pick out an image, crop it and size it to 100x100, fiddle with it for a while, and then close it without saving because of how hopeless it seems.
And because I've always wanted to...
I think every iconmaker past and present should do something like this.
And what would this list of mine be without the infamous paper heart icon?
Image from, text from that song by that band (The American Rejects? Something...)
I don't know why so many people like/stole this icon. It was simple to make, and I'm wondering if the text transitions (which were a bit rare, I think, back in the day when I first started) had anything to do with its popularity. Eh, I doubt it.
Another image from gettyimages. Text from Ben Folds.
Apart from being blue (my favorite color), I think this is one of my favorites and one of my best because it's the best example of what I was doing when it came to iconmaking at the time. Add a line of text at the top and at the bottom, add some "stars" in the transparent parts, save it as a .GIF and yer done. I also particularly like the word "fly" here, though the other letters of that font are nearly illegible.
Photo taken by me.
It's Spooky. In Peter's shoe. And it's the best thing ever just because.
Photo and caption by me.
This is one of the icons that I'm the most proud of. It's 100% made by me, it's pretty, and that's that.
It's Chester Bennington from Linkin Park. Origin unknown.
I just really like the colors in this.
I've probably made better icons than these, but whatever. It's 6:30 and I haven't gone to sleep after an 11 hour shift at work. I also need to be up in 3 hours, so yeah.
Off to play more Fire Emblem. It's so good.