[DC] Psychedelic Man [Kon/Tim] [R]

Nov 03, 2008 01:35

Title: Psychedelic Man
Fandom: DC
Pairing: Kon/Tim
Rating: R
Warnings: sexual references
Notes: This was written for forochel. This has no real basis in comics continuity other than a work of pure fantasy in which Kon miraculously is alive (we can all dream, can't we? *sniff*). As such is probably a tad OOC. Still finding my Kon voice and such. Also. Basically an excuse for porn ;D


Heroes lose more often than not.

Tim was flying, falling through the air. Normally this wouldn't be a problem, normally his grappling gun would be working. He fought of course, against gravity, struggling to find something to grab onto, something to stop his messy descent onto the pavement.

He's too far out; falling in the air between two buildings not leaning together like in much of derelict Gotham.

It is easy to second guess the moments up until he was falling. Tim is no exception. Lost in the struggle of second guessing and trying to stay alive, Tim doesn't hear the familiar whoosh.

He does feel the hands grabbing a hold of him and jerk him back into a reality where he does survive a deathly fall.


It was Kon who saved him. Kon, his best friend, his team mate, his - Kon. The Kon who had died.

Kon landed them on a rooftop not far from where Tim had been falling.

"I'm dead, aren't I?" Tim said, looking around at Gotham. It looked just about as awful as when he had been alive. So this was his afterlife. It figured.

"No," Kon said. Tim tried not to look at him, it hurt too much.

"Let's see," Tim murmured, looking over the edge of the balcony. He couldn't see his bloody remains. "Alternative universe? Aliens? I'm in a coma and I'm dreaming of you? I'm in hell? Magic?"

"Alien voodoo apparently," Kon said, shrugging with ease and made his way over to Tim. "Thought you would be more excited, you know, me rising from the dead." He then slapped Tim on the back. Tim felt it to his bones.

"You died," Tim said, trying not to hope. His voice cracked on the last word though.

"Yeah and people come back from the dead all the time in our world," Kon said, looking confused.

"You're possessed by a evil force, aren't you?" Tim sighed.

"Not according to Batman!" Kon said proudly. "Three weeks of tests and I am clean as a whistle of dark forces!"

"Batman... knew?" Tim said slowly.

"Yeah. That man is cra-zy! The tests I had to undertake," Kon shuddered. "Okay, moving on, moved on!" He grinned. "Wanna get pizza? I haven't had since I was first alive."

Tim looked at his dead best friend. "Sure," he said. There didn't seem much else to say.


Of course there was the small problem that Tim was dressed up as a superhero. But like any good superhero, Tim had a supply of civilian clothes stashed around Gotham. It was also the perfect time to contact Batman.

"R here. SB is back. B apparently knew about this." When in doubt, refer in third person.

"Remember S." And code.

"Is... SB really back?"


Batman then ended the transmission. Batman, Tim had to admit, could be an arsehole sometimes.

He soon slipped into a pair of jeans and a long sleeved t-shirt before joining Kon who was studiously not looking at Tim.


"Nothing," Kon said swiftly. Tim quirked an eyebrow at Kon but didn't say anything.

There was a lot to say, Tim realised. But nothing came out of his mouth as they made their way to the closest pizza joint.

"You still think I'm possessed by an evil force of nature, don't you?" Kon murmured quietly as they stood in line to order their pizza. The Goths behind them don't give them a second look.

"No," Tim said. There was a long pause. Then, "But so much has happened since you."

"Carked it? Yeah. Once your, uh, old man finished the probing - don't ask, I'm not telling - he gave me a debriefing on the couple of years I was away." Kon looked down. "I can't believe, Bart, he's so young, he shouldn't have."

"Yeah," Tim said. Then, "Double cheese pepperoni."

Bats cope real well with death.


It wasn't his fault that they end up kissing half a block away from the pizza joint. Breath still smelling of cheese, fingers still greasy, Tim can't stop kissing Kon, can't stop feeling Kon up. He's warmer than a human, but not as hot as Superman. Kon was solid and that alone is enough to make Tim gasp. He doesn't want to stop.

But - Tim knew that Oracle would be recording. This is a well populated, brightly lit part of Gotham and cameras are everywhere. Plenty for Oracle to hack into. In different times Tim himself would have hacked into a camera and watched, waited for action and a bright flash of Robin's cape. But Kon's hip is digging into his gut, Kon's fingers raking up Tim's spine so that Tim curved into his touch.

"We," Tim had to take another gulp of air, "We can't do this." With enviable strength, Kon pulled back and stared at Tim.

"What?" So coherency wasn't a strong point of Kon's. "You're liking it," Kon muttered, rubbing his jean clad erection against Tim's thigh. Tim bit his lip to stop a groan and arched back into the brick wall behind him.

"Yeah," he said. Tried to gather his thoughts. "But not here."

Kon smiled. "We can go anywhere you want." Tim can't help a laugh at that cheesy remark. "Except the Batcave."

Tim understood.


They end up in Hawaii. In a hut in the middle of nowhere that Kon proudly called his 'love shack'. Tim tried to not laugh and failed. Kon then started a tickle attack. It soon turned into something else.

Kon was stripping him of his clothes then, fingers tracing over scars old and new. They're kissing and it was going to fast but Tim can't begin to care. He's almost worshipful as he kissed his way down Kon's chest, getting rid of his stupid clothes.

"Uh," Kon said, Tim looked up and their eyes meet. "Go on, please, please," Kon said, fingers clutching at sheets. His lips are parted. Tim licked his lips, leaning forward and nuzzling at Kon's thigh. Nipping at the skin there, licking the small bites better even though they really don't hurt Kon at all. Kon is practically breaking when Tim took a hold of the base of his erection and licked the head.

They're young. When Tim mouthed Kon, it is over and Tim is left to try and swallow. Lips tasting of Kon, Tim crawled his way up to Kon and kissed him. It is Kon on Kon in Tim's mouth and Tim groaned. Tim rubbed against Kon and Kon laughed.

"Okay, okay," Kon said. Tim wanted to curse him but then Kon was wrapping a firm hand around his leaking erection and Tim was now choking back gasping moans. One arm was around his shoulders, holding him close to Kon.

He was thrusting into Kon's hand, biting his lips. Kon was pressing kisses against his forehead, bringing Tim's chin up so that they can kiss. The pace slowed and Tim keened in distress. Then Kon did something that Tim was sure was illegal, Tim finally came, sagging into Kon's ready embrace.

Kon was alive. And up for another round apparently. Tim hadn't been this happy in a long time.

fic: dcu, fic: all

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