Title: Glitter, Diamonds
Fandom: GW
Rating: PG-13
Characters/Pairings: Quatre/Trowa, Duo, Iria, Heero
Summary: Spoiled heir in a time of war. AU
Notes: set in the same universe as
Contact. Yes, it took a while to come out but Quatre's story kept on wanting to go on and on. :)
The music thumped. Quatre moved to the rhythm. The strobe lights flashed. He rubbed against a lithe youth with more eyeshadow than a make cup counter.
Sweat ran down his back and Quatre grinned up, eyes half closed as he raised his arms up and danced.
"Your responsibility as heir to the Winner fortune is paramount, Quatre!" His father said, thrumming his fingers on the dining table. "What you achieve when you strut all night is nothing more than disgrace for the family."
"Hmm," Quatre grunted and winced when his father slammed a fist on the table. But when he looked up his father was only shaking his head wearily.
"I say this only because you have been given so much Quatre, more than most. You have duties because of it," his father said and then stood up, leaving the room.
"Father does care about you," Iria murmured, sipping her tea nonchalantly. She was not at all awkward after witnessing the fight between her brother and her father. "Just that he prefers that his only son not to parade about with lip gloss and no sense of duty."
"I like lip gloss. Keeps my lips from cracking," Quatre muttered.
"Doesn't mean you can't work for those boxes of lip gloss in your room," Iria said.
"You sound like Father. Except for the part about lip gloss," Quatre accused.
"He's not wrong," Iria admitted, "Just his methods."
"...and then Iria scolded me for liking lip gloss!" Quatre exclaimed, staring up at the ceiling.
"I really can't believe your father doesn't realise you're arrow points at men," Duo commented.
"Hey, I like girls! Just not as much," Quatre sighed and sagged back down on his sofa. "You're avoiding the issue. I take you disapprove of what I'm doing too? It's like a conspiracy!"
"Your father gave you many opportunities, he gave me many opportunities that someone like me would have never had before. Still doesn't change the fact that people are struggling," Duo said.
"Everyone struggles."
"Maybe. But people don't need a gun at their back, the colonies don't need mobile suits from earth butting in their government and - " Duo took a deep, angry breath.
"I didn't realise you were so against the Federation," Quatre said quietly.
"I saw a lot of bad stuff happen on L2," Duo said darkly. "Now that I'm older, smarter I should be doing something to help those people."
"Maybe," Quatre said uncertainly. "But can one person make a difference?"
Duo stared at Quatre intently, "That's not like you. You've always been one of the most positive people I know. What's up, man?"
"Nothing important," Quatre said quickly.
"He left me, Iria," Quatre whined, slumped over his sister's couch. "He left me, left L4 and joined the - "
"Quatre," said Iria, her face pinched and her lips thin, "Duo had to do what he thought was right." Her eyes flicker to the left to the package she just received. It's just flowers.
She shouldn't be acting this way, Quatre thought as he stared at the flowers. Iria's face was white as she played with the flowers nervously.
"They're from a secret admirer, aren't they?" Quatre murmured, leaning back on the couch and fidgeting nervously.
"I, well... yes, that's right," Iria said shakily.
"You get lots of flowers from secret admirers?" Quatre asked, playing with the tassels on her cushions.
"Just recently," Iria muttered, her hand rubbing at her skirts. Quatre smiled and look askance at the flowers.
"Rather cheap, don't you think?" He said, looking bemusedly at the flowers.
"Uh," she looked at him in confusion.
"Especially for a Winner," Quatre murmured with distaste, he grinned at his favourite sister and took the flowers. "They're not good enough for you, Iria. In fact, I'm going to have insist that you call me every time you get them.. so I can judge to see that they are good enough for you."
"Well," she said and a light entered her eyes, "I suppose, if you insist, Quatre."
"I do," he said firmly.
She grinned, "Oh, very well!"
The flowers grew more elaborate, beautiful and expensive but Quatre never found them suitable.
To his father's great relief, Quatre stopped going to clubs as frequently. He didn't stop entirely. But still, his father took it as a sign of progress that Quatre was reforming.
Quatre however was rather occupied with joining the secret resistance and seeking an end to government. It clashed, rather, with his father's plans for him. He regretted the lack of opportunity for clubbing actually.
Instead he had to face intensive interrogations about his reasons for joining. It turned out flippant teen was not particularly popular with hardened resistance fighters.
But he eventually managed to find a place. There wasn't much he could do, less that they actually would allow him to do. Quatre chafed. But thought that he was doing the right thing. Mostly.
Nothing major at least.
Okay, except for that one time.
"You want me to endorse you for student president?" Quatre exclaimed. "I don't see you for two years and the first thing you do when we finally see each other again is to ask that?"
"I have to do something in the world," Duo insisted, "Even if it is something small, I want to change the world. It takes steps, right? I gotta start now."
"You'll never win," Quatre said and then stopped, "I mean. There's a chance but you know, it's always a Kumar or a Wilson or a Kiev. I can't remember a time there was one and I had to research class presidents for that time when I got caught with Janice Jamal and Mika Morgan in the Principal's office!"
Duo's expression had only hardened. "But that's why I have to try, right? Because everyone thinks only those kids from those political families can be president so they can reminiscence when they get elected in twenty years!"
There was something fishy about the new recruit, Quatre thought, squinting at the figure. He looked familiar... but different somehow.
He waited, after the meeting had long ended, for the new guy. It would mean excuses for his father, but Quatre had always been rather skilled with lies.
The guy exited, his hat drawn low of his face and Quatre acted at once. He jerked the guy against the wall, pressing his forearm against his throat. The guy struggled, buckling against his hold. He probably had a little more bulk than Quatre but Quatre had been taught since he was young to defend himself against kidnappers. In recent years his training had only intensified.
"How do I know you?" Quatre said roughly, shaking the guy and staring at him fiercely. The hat was shoved up and Quatre was left staring at a pair of very familiar eyes. "Duo!"
"Hey, Quat, fancy meeting you here," Duo said, grinning. "Mind loosening the hold? I like my throat being able to swallow food, sometimes even air!"
"I - I never expected you to be here!" Quatre exclaimed, stepping back and raking Duo up and down. "You've changed and I didn't recognise you. You, but, you look good Duo."
"Course I do, always did, always will, it's just something that makes me, well, me!" Duo is smiling but there is something sharp about it.
"You're back," Quatre said. "After you lost the election, I thought you were going to leave again. I guess I forget how much you had changed, physically at least."
"Yeah," said Duo, "I want to change this place."
"Here?" Quatre looked around. It was a discreet suburb with horrible architecture but... "You mean L4?"
"Someone's gotta do it!"
"Might wanna wait until you hit eighteen," Quatre murmured.
"We can join the army, but not enjoy the full entitlements of being an adult? How is that right?" Duo demanded.
Quatre looked lost. "You really have changed. And you're, you're still hopeful?"
"I, yeah," Duo shrugged. "I guess I just honed my thoughts when I was away."
"We're in debt?" Quatre asked dully.
"Your father held the companies together by the force of his promises. People believed, because of who he was, that he would pay them back eventually. But you're an unknown quantity. More known for your partying than your business acumen," one of his father's closest business partners, Simon Thak, said quietly.
"How is that even possible? Father never said anything about the business struggling!" Quatre exclaimed. It had been his father's funeral in the morning and he was still numb from seeing the body lowered into the ground.
"Simply put, the company had every reason that this downturn in business would be adjusted within a year or two. With your father dead, the stockholders grow uneasy about his teenage heir," Henry Thak murmured.
"I - I have to turn this around," Quatre said, gulping. "I don't want to let my father down." It was true, he realised, he didn't.
"It's not only about me, Duo," Quatre muttered, "I have thousands of workers who now depend on me to provide them with a wage. That matters as well."
"Can you really let yourself do this? I know you can achieve it, you're smart, but you won't be as happy as, well, you were there," Duo said.
"Maybe I have to grow up. I can achieve much more change as head of WEI," Quatre said. "We're always struggling for money and when I get the company sorted out I can help with that and... that'll count as well, right?"
"Being a corporate subversive? There should be a movie about you," Duo said.
Quatre's mouth twisted bitterly. "That'll either happen when we win. Or, more likely, if we're found out and I'm made an example."
"Yeah. But I wonder who they would get to play me? Obviously someone so physically attractive it's a wonder a person doesn't offer their first born child for a touch... Just like me!"
"Oh, Duo!" Quatre said, laughing, "I'm so glad you decided to come back!"
He only met Heero once in Space before Heero left for Earth for the first time. Quatre was to give Heero the necessary supplies and funding for him to escape to Earth and start a new front. Quatre knew that it wasn't only the people of the Colonies who were hungering for change. A resistance would easily spring up.
The man is curt and to the point but Quatre found himself liking the man. Heero was deeply devoted to his mission. More so than any man Quatre has ever met before.
"I was instructed to give you these maps," Quatre murmured, "But they're several years out of date. I prepared you some new ones, here," Quatre handed over the new maps. "They have expanded the base to the east and the west. But what most disturbed me was that they were building camps. For holding dissidents. But," he shrugged, "Who knows what else. You're to free those people and to cause as much havoc as possible."
Heero's grip tightened on the maps. "Understood."
"Good luck, Heero," Quatre said, watching the man leave, not knowing if that was his real name, not knowing if he would ever see the man again.
"Iria has been arrested," Quatre said quietly. Duo started and nearly turned to face Quatre. "Don't. I can't be certain we're not being watched right now. They're watching who visits me as well. Just feed the ducks, Duo."
The bread was scattered in the pond, ducks swarming with happy quacks.
"When?" Duo asked.
"A week ago, but I didn't know until three days ago when an informant told me," Quatre murmured. "They've got her under treason, of course, but I don't know if I can get her out before - "
"Easy man," Duo said, wanting to be closer to Quatre, wanting to huge and reassure him that Iria was going to be fine. "What do you want me to do?"
"If," Quatre's voice shook. "If I can't get her out within two days, I want you to get her out and anyone else you can. I'll reward you, Duo."
"I would do it for free," Duo murmured.
"Yeah, I know. But I want to, Iria means..."
"Understood. I'll proceed unless I receive the word otherwise, then," Duo muttered.
"Thank you," Quatre mumbled.
"Iria!" Quatre exclaimed and rushed forward to embrace his sister. She flinched and Quatre backed away. "Did they... they didn't hurt you, did they?"
"N-no," she said, then swallowed. "There was a backlog and I was lucky and I was only interrogated once and Quatre!" She cried out, hugging Quatre. "I didn't know if I was going to be let out or anything and I was so scared."
"I'm here," Quatre said, patting her back. "I'm here." He met Duo's eyes over Iria's shoulder, noting the straight backed figure of a man in the darkest corner, gesturing for Duo and his guest to go to the sitting room.
It was later when Quatre finally made his way to the sitting room. "Duo," he said, "Thank you."
Duo only nodded. "You said you would repay me - "
"I will! You know I will, Duo," Quatre hastened.
"I believe you. I want, also, for you to take in Trowa here," Duo said, jerking his head to the man who still stood quietly again in the darkest corner. "I took your word, tried to get as many people possible out. Trowa was helpful, but he needs medical attention. He was in there a while and well, you're already keeping Iria hidden and she is a doctor. I thought it made sense."
Quatre turned his sight on Trowa who met his gaze slowly but didn't look away. "I will," Quatre promised. "Where are you going now, then?"
"Thought I would stay low for a couple weeks," Duo murmured. "Stay here as well."
"Whatever you want," Quatre said, leaning in to hug Duo. "I'm glad you're back."
Though Duo had left several weeks ago, Trowa had stayed. He was useful in the garden and the head gardener raved about his green thumb. Plants just seemed to love Trowa Barton. Quatre could understand.
They had dinner together sometimes and drinks afterwards. Quatre watched Trowa sometimes as he made his way to the drinks cabinet, his step heavy. Trowa doesn't talk about what happened to him. And Iria just shook her head when Quatre asked. But her face was pale and sick and Quatre can only assume the worst.
But Trowa seemed to want to push himself to the limits. Quatre can't find himself refusing most of the time. There's something about Trowa that makes him smile and spend hours and hours with him. Time flied and he hated it when Trowa made a comment about the late hour.
"I don't have to go to work tomorrow," Quatre murmured, "Public holiday. And I'm trying to be the useless playboy billionaire. Can't be at work when no one else is."
"You need your sleep but," Trowa insisted, eying the wall clock, "You work too much, Quatre." The manner in which Trowa said his name made Quatre shiver. "You're cold." Trowa said with some alarm, green eyes bright and concerned. "You should rest."
"No, I don't need rest," Quatre muttered, leaning forward and placing a hand on Trowa's thigh. Trowa's eyes widen but he doesn't move. Quatre pressed forward and kissed Trowa lightly, softly, tenderly on the lips. "I want - "
The kiss the Trowa gave in return was deep and rough that left Quatre gasping and grasping out for Trowa, hungry for more.
With Iria hidden in his mansion, his home becomes a place where injured operatives can rest and recuperate. But sometimes there are bodies to dispose of and Quatre quietly installed a incinerator. Quatre hated to use it.
"Thank you," the newest arrival muttered, as he is pushed in on a wheelchair. His hands twitch in his lap. Quatre blinked and looked at the man more intently.
"Heero?" He said, rushing over to the man. "Is that you?"
The man looked up after a second and it was Heero. Quatre nodded to the person wheeling the chair and she quickly left. "Hello."
"I didn't think I would see you again," Quatre murmured. "It's good to see you."
"Yes, well," Heero shifted on the wheelchair and winced.
"I wish it was in better circumstances," Quatre said, smiling, "But have lunch with me. Are you coming?" He asked, gesturing for Heero to follow him. Heero looked up at him, startled before slowly placing his hands on the wheels hesitantly and pressed against the wheels. The wheelchair moved, jerkily at first, but then smoother.
"Apparently I'll walk again," Heero said. "Never the same again but."
"No," Quatre said regretfully. "But there's more than a combative position in a time of war. You could be a leader, Heero."
"Maybe," Heero said, frowning deeply.
"You miss him," Trowa noted, running a hand down Quatre's back.
"Yes," Quatre admitted, turning around and smiling at Trowa. "But not romantically. There's just something about him that draws me to him. I think," Quatre said, placing a hand on his heart. "He'll play an important role in ending this war."
Trowa nodded. "Is that what you feel?" He asked, pressing his hand against Quatre's hand. Trowa could feel Quatre's heartbeat through his hand. It was soothing.
"Hmm," Quatre said, stepping forward and embracing Trowa, their hands caught beneath their chests. "He's lonely."
"Oh?" Trowa murmured, kissing Quatre's neck.
"Very," Quatre said, beaming up at Trowa. "I'm so glad I have you, Trowa."
"And I you," Trowa returned, melting against Quatre.
When Duo returned from a mission, Quatre knew something had been broken inside of him. He paced, up and down, not quite angry not quite calm.
"I think you would be suited on Earth," Quatre suggested one day. Trowa started and stared suspiciously at Quatre. "I know a resistance group that would be very appreciative of your skills."
"That's where the real action is taking place," Duo nodded, muttering.
"You can leave within three days, I'll send your references before you," Quatre said. When Duo had left the room Trowa turned to Quatre and raised an eyebrow. "What?" Quatre asked innocently. "He will be useful on Earth."
"I don't trust you," Trowa said playfully.
"No?" Quatre said, smile turning wicked.
"You're too bright and shiny, people only see the surface of you, Quatre," Trowa commented and licked his lips. "You're far more complex."
"But you like that," Quatre whispered back.
"Yes, I do," Trowa murmured. They kissed. "It makes for a far more interesting bedtime." Quatre only groaned and reached desperately for Trowa.