Feb 09, 2008 01:02
Title: The Night Club (4/?)
Fandom: GW
Rating: PG
Characters (this chapter): Duo, Heero, Dorothy
The music stopped with a twisted shriek as the police stormed through the entrance led by a blonde woman. She regarded the night club calmly, though there was a intense look in her eyes.
“There will be order!” She declared, her voice rising above the screams and stomping sound made by the police boots. “This establishment is suspected of being tolerant of allowing drugs deals to take place. All exits have been blocked off,” she finished with a triumphant smirk. She strode powerfully through the crowd and all scampered out of her way.
The lights came on and scared faces were illuminated by the harsh fluorescent. Duo wondered if there was an procedure to follow and cursed that this had happened of his first day on the job.
He then found himself being interrogated by the blonde woman who introduced herself as Lieutenant Dorothy Catalonia with a lazy smile as if she was cruising for a drink.
“Name!” She barked out, sounding more serious than she looked, keeping only one eye on him as she surveyed the chaos of the crowd. Employees and what Duo called shady characters were being questioned first.
“I’m Duo Maxwell and this is way, way out of my league. I seriously only started working today,” he rambled, playing with the edge of his t-shirt.
“Really?” She asked, turning around and smiling widely. “Perhaps you will feel inclined to find a new job then.” She said it as if it wasn’t a suggestion. “Before you become to involved.”
He was about to agree when the man he had bumped into earlier barged past the police and stood firmly in front of Dorothy with a frown on his face. “Dorothy,” he said quietly, and Duo could hear even though the night club was full of noise. “What is the meaning of this?”
Dorothy shook her head and gestured at the surroundings, “I’m not in control of things here, Heero,” she muttered. “Just being a good little dog and following orders.” She looked almost ashamed for a brief moment. For a very brief moment, Duo reflected.
“Then you know who’s truly behind this… supposed tip off?” Heero asked, keeping his voice low.
Dorothy smiled and the razors came out again. “Now, I might like you Heero but I don’t like you enough for that. Maybe if a certain ex-fiancee of mine asked me out for dinner some time I might feel inclined to be loquacious.”
“Tomorrow night,” Heero promised, though he looked as if he thought he was making a huge mistake, “Quatre will be there.”
She nodded her head and gave Duo one final look. “You be careful, I like the look of you…” she murmured then winked at Duo before walking away.
Then Heero - Duo still didn’t know the man’s last name, but now he wanted to, really wanted to - turned and stared at Duo gravely. “You will not speak of this to anyone,” he finally said and Duo’s romantic bubbles burst inside of his head.
“Uh, sure,” he said and then curiosity took over his tongue. “Quatre was really engaged to her?”
“It ended long ago,” Heero muttered. “You had better get back to work.” Then he almost ran away from Duo.
Man, Duo thought, just his luck that the first guy he seriously fancied in ages didn’t like him.
fic: gw,
fic: all