okay... since more than enough of you have expressed an interest... here goes:
Secret santa kind of thing…
The last couple of years, I’ve participated in secret santa gift exchanges others have promoted (my own last year!), but thought I’d like to bring it to my friends as well (have to share the love!). Because, we all sort of know one another. *grin* or at least this would be a great way to introduce yourself to someone you didn’t know!
Here’s the plan:
• Drop me a comment telling me you want to participate. Use something like this format:
Working email - one you check with some regularity
Gifts you would like (be descriptive or link if possible/specific) -- give your santa a bit of a list, in case your #1 choice is unobtainable.
Address where you’d like your gift sent (important note: if you will not be at your current address, please indicate the address you will be at when so your santa can ship to the correct address.)
Would you be willing to ship overseas? (If not in US, willing to send to the US or another country outside your own?)
• I will put together the list of busy bee santas, matching one person up to another… introducing folks who might not know one another. The santa assignments will be sent via email.
• SANTA YOU, will shop for your recipient, spending no more than $25 total (keep in mind you have to ship it still).
- This is important: please be cognizant of the fact your santa will only have $25 to work with, and do not ask for something that will exceed that amount. Make this enjoyable for your santa as well!
• SANTA YOU, will wrap (if you want to), package and ship to your recipient.
• RECEIVER YOU, will post a public post (so your santa can see) letting your santa know you’ve received the gift and piling accolades upon their head.
• Christmas day, I will post the masterlist of all santas and giftees (unless you tell me otherwise). This way, you can ‘meet’ and get to know one another a little better.
Please note, if you find yourself unable to participate after signing up, PLEASE let me know as soon as possible so I can find an alternate, or juggle something around.
EDIT: please note -- secret santa assignments will be sent out over thanksgiving weekend -- before the 1st (or 2nd) of december, so you have time to plan and buy for your recipient!