February writing challenge: day 10

Feb 15, 2008 23:50

using table 7 from the 5sentence_fics community

Fandom: Gundam Wing, Pairing: Heero/Duo, Rating: PG-13, Warnings: ANGST, BL, word count: 161
Table 7, #15 - Searching for Answers

The house sat in a large lot with its backyard butting the riverbank; Duo hardly paused on his way through to the rear, letting the detective assigned the case sort out the casualties and the Crime Scene Specialists whip out their powders and record evidence. When the call came through on a domestic homicide, Duo was across town, but he made record time through traffic and tunnel crossing with the status update.

A single set of footprints broke the clean line of snow; Duo followed them, off to the side knowing where they led. Coatless, with his hair blowing in the wind, Heero was sitting on a large, snow-covered rock protruding from the bank; his steps slowed on his approach seeing the slight look of acknowledgement to his presence.

Duo tossed Heero his coat and sat by his side without speaking, just being there was enough; five murders and a suicide by cop wasn’t the best way to start the week.

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