* after all the prep, and the pain felt this past week with the new time shift, and moving all the clocks in the house forward, i forgot about my bedroom clock. -_- luckily i keep it set ahead, so wasn't late... just wasn't early like normal.
* porc is teasing me with some lovely art! it's so cute, and i'm so in love! ♥
* i had the chance to chat a bit with keb tonight... haven't done that in a LONG time. chatted with natea and porc as well. i've an idea on why i'm so reluctant to venture back into AIM much...but, don't feel like getting into it.
*discovered i bought our kingdom 5 (yaoi manga), and don't have 4. have no idea how that happened. now have to wait for 4 to find out what the heck's going on in 5. *blink*
* listening to the 'kids' (all in their 20s), talk about movies of the 90s. did you all know there were so many space and alien movies because that's when the "alien" scare was the strongest? *blink* *blink* i managed not to bust a gut laughing. i think every generation has to go through their own era of ego before they realize the world has been around a long time.
* jenn is extending the sign-ups for
the shamathon...she has requests for many fandoms (other than GW), so come play!
* just got off the phone with my mom...see, pretty much all of my family - maternal and paternal - all live in california, most all of us were born and mostly raised there. so mom starts off by telling me about this new law CA is putting into effect. the law is outlawing a normal standard bulb -- your typical 60-75 watt, GE iridescent light. instead, all Califorians have to buy these "energy saving" twisty bulbs (mom's words) at $30 a pop. supposed to save energy...i told mom i'd become her dealer and ship her off a few every month or so. ;)
EDIT: i just went out on the net looking at the energy bulbs..not sure where mom's buying hers, but none i saw were that expensive. they are a LOT more than a typical 60 watt bulb, though.
BUT... that's not the worst of it! as the conversation went on, we got to talking about cell phones, and how i'm rather not fond of them. how it pisses me off to see drivers yakking away on one doing 70 MPH on the interstate. she said something about it being against the law here (NE), but how it wasn't there...so. it's against the law to have a normal utility light bulb, but not against the law to yak on a cell phone at 80 MPH on the interstate. yep, CA has their priorities in order!
* and what's left but the weather...which was absolutely gorgeous today! it felt like SPRING (with capital letters!). and natually the talk in the department is all about golf. bleh. there are two things that take presidence over work in our office (of some 60 employees)... golf and husker football....and woe for you if you're not into either.
* mailed packages out today...books all! :) now i'm all excited to see reactions. i need to gather a couple of things for other package shipments...england, NZ and japan. must do so this week.
there was something else i wanted to ramble on about, but cannot for the life of me remember. *shrug* okay, it's about bed time.
night! ♥
GIP: new icon from
miyun - her artwork too!