Does this constitute long? ;)

Sep 21, 2002 10:03

Been talking to antuvschle about my LJ hangup. Instead of thinking about it as a good way to keep in touch with people and share more of my life with them instead of 30-second snippets, I am having an incredibly slow-as-molasses movement away from the particularities of telling things one-on-one. Ok, the first comment on this post will be "Yeah but you do not call or write!" Very true.
Most of my letters to people (and most of my poetry after I no longer qualified as depressed and angry teen) are written in full in my head. Sometimes I have played with the idea of getting a voice recorder I could ramble into, and then use voice-recognition software to 'type' it alllllll out in all its excruciating detail. Most likely the results would require some heavy pruning. Yet this IS an idea.
In fact, my mind is never silent. How to cull out the banal from the interesting though? Adding factual stuff seems boring. You do not really need to know I drank tea at 09:30 local time. The state troupers do not really need to know I woke up 1 hour behind schedule and managed to be at work only 30 minutes late. Right?
So, in the spirit of trying to give a panoramic view of life as it is, what follows is a summary. Maybe, just maybe, I'll post regularly. Do I get biscuits for that??

Health: Amazingly enough, I'm doing fine. Besides regular check-ups, no other dr. appts are scheduled. I credit a lot of my well being to the chiropractor visits. She's working on my surgery scar to get rid of adhesions, and keeping my pelvis in shape. I still get a lot of pain on my backside though--and not being sexual does not qualify as a solution to the problem. In May I completed the second round of radiation and it beat me up into a pulp. The whole process of coming out of medication, doing rads and then building meds up took 12 weeks of sheer difficulty. Quite often I just wanted to cry. I'm so happy J. helped me through it all. It felt...impossible to go through again. I feel fine now. No green hair on my head--hopefully no real bad mutations by excited iodine atoms. I'd like to start running again, chiro sez it is ok, my disks have gone back to normal after April car accident. Ooof!

Home: I feel lucky. I'm in love with hubby, and it gets stronger every day. For all my fears, it's been quite amazing to be married. J. is preparing for the NY Marathon in early November and his legs show it. We are also saving for emergency money and house. It all can go to hell soon, as I may be sans job. The market for IT-ish jobs in NY-NJ sucks, just like everywhere else. Being laid off now would put my emotional fiber to the test. I also do not want to go back to eating potatos for every meal, a repeat of early college days. The cats are in a tug of war with us over their feline first amendment rights, specifically the line allowing them to be roley-poly and overweight. So far their lawyers are better than ours...We are taking them to the vet though, for the yearly check up and for high level consultations on the weight issue. My parents are hanging in there, thankfully, and my mother is no longer in a cast (she got toooo happy dancing at my cousin's wedding and ended up flat on the dance floor) and my dad continues weight lifting. Granny is ok after a malevolent flu that landed her at my parent's for a full 2 weeks.

Work: what to say......Hm.....Lots of free time, unfortunately. Things are slow and the expectant mood is at times suffocating. While the 'visionaries' (as one NYC coworker calls our senior management) decide the fate of the company, we all frenetically apply for jobs elsewhere. If everyone that believes they'll be laid off actually GETS laid off, we would have maybe 100 ppl in the company. Sure way to be EBIDTA positive!! It is very sad, actually. My facility is an amazing building. The sheer size of the power grid, the redundant systems, the capacity, is amazing. I watched as all of it was built too and in that sense this is 'my' building. I do not understand why the company missed the boat when the economy began to slow down. Maybe they do not read the WSJ and the IBD. Millions of dollars later...
I have been applying to IT jobs mainly, in two distinct categories. One is mission critical operations, the other is systems administration. I've applied for a 'problem manager' position to handle escalations on circuit and system outages (Really, I can stay at home and be a problem. I do not get paid for THAT...). I also applied for 2 UN positions after careful consideration of the risk that it entails both in being a terrorism target in the US and in being fodder in peacekeeping zones. Yet I always said I wanted to set up networks/communication for the UN in peacekeeping zones, so that would be a start. I also applied for an analyst position that would oversee projects. In the sysadmin front, I have sent out about 5 resumes, still avoiding financial institutions.

Play: Just got back from ATL, where I had an amazing, yummy, hot time. Wow. :) Things are also looking up in other areas that were quite problematic and generating stress, which is making me doubly happy. Yes I am being vague. Just call me queen of subterfuge and sue me.

Are you still reading? I think you need a break--go get some water!

"Salmon are that color because they eat specific crustaceans. what's the Financial Times' excuse?"
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