Ticket O - Shooters and Fishers
http://www.shootersandfishers.org.au/ The Shooters and Fishers Party was formed as the Shooters Party in 1992 by John Tingle. They were deregistered by the AEC in 2004 for failing to contest a federal election for four years. They were reregistered later in 2004, but then deregistered again in 2006. They reregistered as the Shooters and Fishers Party in 2007. They are a conservative party focussing on anti-gun control and pro-outdoor recreation.
Their policies:
For: family values, multiculturalism, hunting, shooting, fishing, political incorrectness, Australian values, access to public lands and waters for all recreational users, balanced consideration of environmental/social/economic issues irrespective of land classification, grazing as wildfire management, firewood harvesting, controlled clearing, prescribed burning, commericial use of pest animals, the goals of the Convention on Biological Diversity, and principle of ‘Sustainable Use’ reaffirmed by the International Union for the Conservation of Nature, UN treaties on maintaining biological diversity and sustainability, budgeting only as much foreign aid as we can afford without borrowing or compromising domestic aid programs, increased competition in the retail sector, border protection, increasing water storage capacity/water distribution networks, water conservation, food security, land ownership security, water security, expanding the irrigation network, developing more high-production agricultural land, increased registration and scrutiny of foreign-owned lands, lower threshold for reviews of foreign investment, discussion of population control, expanding nature-based (hunting and fishing) tourism, recreational fishing in marine reserves, employment legislation and taxation to be more small business-friendly, energy self sufficiency, anthropogenic climate change denial, expansion of the mining industry, rebuilding the timber/forestry industry, live exports, increased investment in defense
Against: marine protected areas that are not based on ‘sound scientific evidence’, foreign aid set at a percentage of GDP, market domination in the retail sector, illegal immigrants, illicit drugs, smuggling of illegal firearms, 1996 National Firearms Agreement of COAG, Commonwealth Firearms Registry, Commonwealth gun control legislation, foreign ownership of agricultural land and water rights, mineral resource rent tax, carbon price, emissions trading schemes, subsidising alternative energy sources while we still have coal/natural gas/uranium reserves, animal liberation based hate campaigning and terrorism
Top 10: Australian Voice Party, Australian Motoring Enthusiast Party, Bullet Train for Australia, Bank Reform Party, Australian Independents, Family First, Australian Christians, Australian Fishing and Lifestyle Party, Sex Party, No Carbon Tax Climate Sceptics
Palmer United Party, Liberal/The Nationals, Australian Labor Party, Secular Party of Australia, The Wikileaks Party, Pirate Party, Stop CSG, Animal Justice Party, Socialist Equality Party, The Greens
Where is my vote likely to end?: Family First or the DLP