2013 Australian Election: Victorian Senate Ballot Guide - Ticket G - Family First

Aug 24, 2013 02:44

Ticket G - Family First http://familyfirst.org.au/

Family First was founded in 2001 by former Liberal Party member Bob Day. It’s a socially conservative party focusing on Christian family values, and many of the members are conservative Christians, although the party itself is non-denominational. Several Liberal MPs have left the Liberal Party for Family First, as well as MPs and candidates from One Nation, the Christian Democratic Party, and Katter’s Australian Party. Pastor Danny Nalliah was a Family First member and Senate candidate, until he was asked to leave the party in 2009 following comments he made about non-Christians and gay people. Family First’s only federal seat to date has been a seat in the Victorian Senate from 2005 - 2011.

Their policies:
For: social and economic self-reliance, family support programs to assist with carers, supporting stay at home mothers and fathers, equal paid parental leave for both working and stay at home mothers, family counselling, family mediation, drug education programs, home ownership, releasing land for housing stock, privatise planning approvals, school principals and councils to be free to hire/fire staff and make decisions on school infrastructure projects, high level of autonomy for schools, workplace development and incentives to attract disability care workers, increase carer financial support, increase respite care, make the cost of medical aids/equipment necessary for disabled people to participate in work and education to be tax deductible, development of information and communication technologies to improve quality of life for disabled people, expansion of medical and therapeutic early identification and intervention services for disabled infants and children, supported access to education/employment/medical care/housing for diable people, supporting initiatives to make education available to poor and marginalised peoples, 1% of Australia’s GDP to go to foreign aid, vocational training, apprenticeships, employment placement programs, literacy programs, income security and social supports for people unable to work due to age/disability/illness, overhaul employment laws to reduce regulation, small business, reduce regulation/red tape for small businesses, tax reform, lower taxes, flat tax rates, 20% company tax, petrol tax revenue to go to road building/maintenance, dual lane roads with median strips, anthropogenic climate change denial, carbon dioxide, a verifiable measuring system to measure water use along the Murray-Darling, South Australia taking High Court action to protect its water interests, Torrens Title (native title alternative), initiatives to boost Indigenous Australian employment, increasing education options for Indigenous Australian children who are unable to access traditional schools, boost Indigenous Australian home ownership, palliative care, promoting and supporting ‘traditional’ marriage over de facto relationships, ‘traditional’ marriage, assisting other regional and Pacific Rim countries in quelling civil strife/giving humanitarian assistance/battling poverty, the Iraq and Afghanistan wars, Australian involvement in peacekeeping activities, community aid abroad,

Against: pornography, divorce, drugs, injecting rooms, urban growth boundaries, zoning restrictions, compulsory master planning in housing developments, up-front infrastructure charges, high housing costs, lack of housing, payroll tax, mineral resource rent tax, the Grants Commission, carbon price, the emissions trading scheme, high water prices (particularly in South Australia), water restrictions, the Murray Darling Basin Plan, the South Australian government relinquishing its constitutional powers over the Murray River, Native Title, compulsory acquisition of property without adequate compensation, government restrictions on private property use, drug and alcohol abuse in Indigenous Australian communities, abortion, euthanasia, same-sex marriage, single mothers,

Top 10: Australian Motoring Enthusiast Party, Stop CSG, Bank Reform Party, Australian Christians, Bullet Train for Australia, Senator Online, Building Australia Party, Rise Up Australia Party, Australian Independents, Stable Population Party

Bottom 10: Smokers Rights, The Greens, Sex Party, Pirate Party, The Australian Republicans, Ticket T, Ticket AJ, Ungrouped candidates, Socialist Equality Party, Secular Party of Australia

Where my vote is likely to end: Family First or DLP
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