May 21, 2010 16:15
[Day 0 -- Day 1]
Logged with...
Nill. (Again, expecting hilarity to ensue.) Started a log. - Somehow made friends with screamingftw. Walter sinks to new low.
- *Walter has gained the title of "Dog Whisperer" -- somehow befriended a dog. Which begs the quesiton: awkward social skills or sheer brilliance?*
- Finds MERIIIIIIIIIIIINES moerines among the populace of new arrivals. Shares a heart-to-heart talk about her role as the Merines and expresses feelings towards her. No, not romantic feelings, you damn shippers.
- Gets into an argument with song_vanguard about staring and acts racist at her. Good job making the loli depressed, asshole.
- Collides with menkheperatum and argues with him. Much hilarity ensues, though there's no walking like Egyptians. *rimshot*
Threaded with...
Nill. (ohgod this thread is like crack) Adachi. (creeper, meet racist?) Tomo. (shit this could get stupid fast.) Posted a text message to the network. Also sent a private message to Shirley Fennes.Highlights:
- Meets Courage for the first time. Spazzing occurs when they realize they've met each other before.
- More cute ensues between Shirley and Walter. Shirley, in particular, wants Walter to call her by name.
- Encounters one ungirlylike and talks a little about Courage and teh Amon.
- Finally has his first civil conversation with one likeagoodson. Though considering he's letting part of his racist shine through, this could be a while before Walter can actually talk to someone without judging them... >>
[Day 2 -- Day 3]
Good job, Walter. (Audio Post.)- Walter ends up falling 12 feet onto a table after Grandore rocks the caravan.
- Elika and Yuki Shirakawa are the first to respond. Continued in a log on Hometrail.
- bonkuralead laughs at Walter and his pain. Like the rest of us do since things are funny when the happen to jerkasses like Walter.
activity tracker,
hi mods hi,