Operation "Raise The Bar" going swimmingly...

Jan 09, 2012 07:36

I've been knocking myself out, making these augmented mixed-media masks...so far it's being a smashing success.  The cat below is still in my shop but drawing hits and visits every day.

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merimask January 9 2012, 14:44:39 UTC
I'm working on that other idea too...the one I told you about. :) It's actually half-finished, but the steampunk-y stuff is going so well (and getting such great attention!) that I'm keeping the ball rolling for now. It's about buzz, right now, and I'm building up my steampunk gallery in DA because I'm sending out these pics/links to a few entertainment production companies soon...I want to have an impressive collection to show them.

Eh...anyone who tries to copy the goggles can find the basic goggles anywhere, so it wasn't really much of a secret. My secret is in the customization...you wouldn't believe the stuff I'm using to jazz up the goggles! Plumbing supplies, upholstery stuff, a little of everything. I think eventually (and probably REAL soon) you'll see copycats. But my plan is to keep staying one step ahead (there's already a huge leap between my first goggle-on-Fullsteam attempt and this latest dragon). Next step is actual fabrication...I know a guy who will cut & machine custom parts for me from copper and brass plates...all I need is to give him the templates. I imagine custom-machined parts are going to be a LOT harder to copy. ;)

Still working up new designs of all sorts though. I thought of you when I came up with this thing here: http://www.etsy.com/listing/90113417/snowflake-mask-limited-edition-hand-made It just seems like something you'd like. :)


golden_meliades January 9 2012, 15:16:41 UTC
Yeah, actually, I noticed the snowflake on FB :) Actually I noticed it even before when you were posting a goggle you made with the snowflake mask half finished in the background (unpainted.) It's really pretty.

I have a big bag of hardware that I've had around for two or three years now, intending to make a heavy industrial-style necklace. Never got around to it. The bag is still juuuust over there.


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