Cog-monocle Steampunk Foxes

Dec 27, 2011 10:32

Been so busy!  Christmas was a nice affair this year and I bought great gifts for everyone (which means I win!), but my new Steampunk goggle-mask project is so much fun that I've been compelled to MAKE STUFF at a perhaps unhealthy rate.  No matter; this "figuring it out" phase is the most fun and I think my enthusiasm can be forgiven.

I made this fox last week...

Instead of vintage goggles (which are expensive and also HEAVY because they're made of real thick glass and metal and Bakelite which actually isn't all that "lite"), I used cheap plastic modern goggles.  I found a great source for them on Etsy.  They cost a fraction of the vintage ones but they look retro, are simply plastic (so, very lightweight), and are great fun to customize.  Some bright metallic spraypaint brings them to life, and I have several different lens colors to choose from (I used ruby on this fox).

Another nice thing; since they are just cheap modern things I don't feel bad about splitting up a pair, so they're perfect for my single "CogMonocle" designs.  I wanted to call the single goggle eye a "Gizmonocle", but eh...too close to Joel Hodgson's "Gizmonics" (and yeah, I don't want a copyright battle with my hero so, not so much).  Anyway, cogmonocle sounds fun and isn't derivative of anything so it's free & clear.

When I add the brass fittings and even a few real brass watch cogs as decorations, the whole thing looks less plastic & way cooler, IMO.  :)

So that was a big old hit everywhere I shared it (still available in my shop, here ), and I almost immediately (like, within five hours) took a commission for a custom-colored SteamFox with a CogMonocle eye.

The client wanted a "pretty" fox with cream-colored fur instead of carved gears and cogs.

It actually opens up more possibilities for me.  I like the idea; it looks less like a "robotic" critter and more like a cosplay item.  I have a really fun idea for a wolf done in this manner actually.

Again I decorated with cogs and fun stuff.  Also I'm getting really good at making straps!  It's hard to set a neat rivet but with all the practice I'm almost perfect now, and the straps are just awesome for mask fastening.  Comfortable and secure.  I need to get good pictures of my available strap colors and all my various buckle/rivet metal options, because I'm thinking that a listing in my shop for a strap customization (they can easily be added to any of my masks) would be an awesome idea.

So I'm busy playing with new mask designs and ideas.  How cool would a CogMonocle Steampunk Raven be, for example?  ;)

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