Home again...

Oct 12, 2011 10:17

The nice thing about visiting golden_meliades is, well, everything.   The bad thing about visiting golden_meliades is leaving...I always wish I could stay just a little bit longer.  :(

I also stopped on my way there for a paddle at Mazinaw Rock, finally...the place that's been calling to me ever since I saw it last year.  I was right to be compelled to visit it again; it is a magical place and I'm totally not kidding about that.

More about everything, later.  I'm utterly swamped.  My shop went insane with questions and orders while I was gone, Paypal had a nervous breakdown, and I have a boatload of things to package and ship today.

But it's all good because I got to see my friend and relax in a magic place.  Seriously.  The pictures are awesome and even still they don't do justice.

Magic.  I mean it. 
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