This day is one of the most celebrated days ever. Many Happy Birthday returns to Sakurai Sho *KYAAAA~~*, Corazon Aquino, Alicia Keys, Vicky Belo *orz* and the greatest J-pop culture organization in UP Los Banos, the University of the Philippines SOMA Soshiki. Wow, it's been five years already? Well, technically the idea was started on a hot, CWTS Saturday in December 2004. But the gathering of its first members happened on January 25, 2005. Who knew that the organization would come this far? I'm very proud to have been part of the Charter members, amidst the sadness, fights and of course, happiness in all those years. Yuck, I'm soo not getting cheesy today okay? orz. I just hope it doesn't end there. I'm looking forward to the 10th, 20th, 40th, even 100th year anniversary of this organization. LOL. Tomorrow will be the anniversary dinner. I'm going no matter what happens. XD
I spent the last three days catching up with Full Metal Alchemist Brotherhood. Indeed teh original Full Metal Alchemist can be called an animated fanfic of some sort. LOL. anyway, I kinda loved it too especially the Lust and Scar's oniisan angle at the latter part of the series. I don't know why but Lust redeeming herself as she died was kinda appealing to me. AND SLOTH WAS CUTE IN THE FIRST ANIMATED SERIES. And Dante, who wouldn't love hating her? She was practically the Queen Bitch of that series. I remember after being annoyed with its conclusion that I religiously waited for the movie that would end it once and for all, the Conqueror of Shamballa. But well, Square Enix decided to redeem themselves so they decided to go with Brotherhood. I never read the manga *Either I was not up to it or that was the beginnings of me preferring to read manga in hard copies than online. lol* so I guess Brotherhood helped me to appreciate the manga too. I just love Olivier Mira Armstrong and Xiao Mei the mini-panda. Olivier is just kick-ass. And because of this I realized the pattern of how I adore strong-willed, powerful women e.g. Misato Katsuragi of Eva, Cornelia Li Britannia of Code Geass and now Olivier Mira. and Xiao Mei. I always go kyaaa~~ whenever I see that mini-panda even if Mei Chang is kinda annoying. lol. But I digress, I must await for the coming episodes. It's fine for me to await for j-doramas like that but I'm starting to have a hunch that Brotherhood won't just be until episode 63. I fear that ir would become another Naruto/One Piece/Bleach/Reborn. Oh well, I wish to be disproved in this matter. I don't want to give up on Brotherhood.
Finally gotten around with Yamato Nadeshiko Shichi Henge episode 2. hmmm, i was amused, fairly. BUT GAWD HOW COULD THEY NOT INCLUDE THE GOTH GOTH LOLI LOLI GIRLS? AND THEY WERE REPLACED WITH 30-SOMETHING OBAASANS? oh well, in a sense, they're scarier. Oh well. I'm not going to spoil you that much. ahahaha, oh yez, L'Arc~en~Ciel and KAT-TUN will appear in this week's Music Station. on hyde's birthday. well, technically they're just gonna air it on hyde's birthday unless they go live. lol. I dunno if I should look forward to D-Motion. I kinda want them to dance the lulzy dance of YamaNade's opening credits. OTL.
TEGOMASS NO UTA FIRST LIVE TOUR DVD IS AWESOME. *yeah, I almost forgot to flail about this* Cinderella Tegoshi and Prince Massu. KoyaShige crashing their Osaka concert. Their Fantasutipo remake *Toraji x Haiji's 2005 single* which is soo amusing I screamed myself hoarse lol. Tegoshi doing a hyde as they sang Highway.orz. KISS~KAERIMICHI NO LOVE SONG. They're all awesome. That concert is made of pure talent. Cannot say the same thing for NEWS too orz. To me, NEWS Concert DVDs entertain me because they're so full of fail. This first Tegomass Concert DVD entertains me because they have shown me that they're not just Johnny's. They are REALLY good singers. I highly recommend this DVD to anyone who appreciates cuteness overload. lol.
And before I end this entry....
*click image to get a look at a hi-res version*
WHY TEGOSHI WHY? WHY DO YOU HAVE TO LOOK LIKE SERIZAWA REIRA?! LOL. Yes, I'm bitter. Tegoshi can cosplay Reira better than me. >.< Ok off to watch, Code Blue 2 episode 2...