kelly, what are you gonna do with your life

Nov 19, 2010 10:25

AHAHAHA. This semester.

I am taking four studio classes this semester. Four upper-level graphic design studio classes is a lot for me (I'm usually taking two). They are Photography, Graphic Design 4: Integrative Campaign, Interactive Design (flash/actionscript/html/css/jquery), Game Design, and they take up a lot of my life. Monday and Wednesday I am usually out of the house from 7:30am - 8pm, Tuesday is just 11am-5pm, Thursday is 11am - 10pm (because of club), and Friday is 9am - 6pm. I know, boo hoo. It's not that bad, and I really like my classes and the work I'm doing. However, I'm feeling very stretched thin at this point in the semester.

Due Monday:

Realtor Roxie landing-page group project
Each person in the group makes a landing page targeted at a different audience for a local real estate agent who is an alumni, with a flash application for each page. I did all the coding and my flash app is the only one that's done, group members have sent me nothing.

Game Design Board Game/ Smart House Learning Project flash
I have to having a working prototype of my board game ready for play testing, and a working rough of my Smart House flash project (also a group project, so I'm waiting on partner to send me the graphics so I can do something).

Due Tuesday:

Design Phase Book
20-ish page book, where I have to present my cohesive marketing campaign for my targeted audience and my logotype, visual system, point of view photography, and everything ever. Just sent my logotype FINAL DESIGNS to teacher, who says that they must be more 'urban.' What the fuck. JKLSDJFksdljf.

Branding History Group Project
Presentation about Lysol and how it changed from being a douche-ing product to a clean-and-protect-your-family product and its portrayal of women blah blah blah. We are the last group to present, and every other group did AWESOME. They had videos and it was well designed and they made fancy graphic timelines and had note cards. Our group has a white powerpoint that looks like ass and no idea what we're talking about.

Whining makes me feel better.

Wednesday we get to learn how to use the 3D printer :D So that's cool. 3D PRINTER!

I signed up for my final college classes a while ago. Here they are:


Toy Design (fuck yeah!)

Senior Portfolio (senior show fuck yeah!)

Fantastic East Asia (:DDD)

Strategic Career Planning for Design (only 1/2 the semester)

aaaaand Personal Finance online so I'm still a full-time student.

14 credits! The least I've ever taken!

Also, in addition to my current internship, I'm going to be working for the College of Design doing flash stuff, and making the website for the fashion design senior show. Experience! lives again, too. Though it isn't really functional yet. The portfolio has a lightbox.

Whine whine whine whine.
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