Bento to eat with your face

Aug 09, 2010 18:32

I made this! Sweet and Spicy Roast Kabocha. Because I miss Japan.

Then I decided, hell, why not, I'll make some tamagoyaki and rice balls and have a whole set of food to enjoy.

My 100yen strawberry bento filled with nomnoms. I'd be all cute and make bento for Boy, but he hates egg. So I gotta learn to cook some other stuff first.

Here's one of the bento I got in Japan for like 200yen.

NOW FILLED WITH FOOOOOOOOOOD. The top layer has roasted kabocha, tamagoyaki (yummy omelette), and some chocolate covered pretzels. The bottom later is heart and star shaped rice balls filled with egg, and some carrots, colby cheese and summer sausage on the side. I had to use Christmas-themed cupcake liners to separate some of the dishes, because that was all we had.

And here's what I had for my nostalgic Japanese lunch. Riceballs, kabocha, and the tamagoyaki. With coffee-milk in a tare-panda mug. Because that is how I roll, you guys. That is how I roll.

pictures of food, cooking

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