Jul 28, 2008 16:04
yes yes yes yes yes.
I know I know I know I know I know.
to my fambly, frendz, and evry1 else I come in contact with.
The only people I'm not a pushover too, are the people who actually care about what I want to do/what I warrant.
Meaning me, myself. and people who care about the me, myself part of me, myself.
So now I feel the need to explain me, myself.
Thesis: Happiness
Antithesis: Unhappiness (even for the ittiest, bittiest period of time.)
Sythesis>Thesis: I walk on eggshells so everyone is happy. (And especially, happy with me, myself.)
Antithesis: I'm unhappy. (And especially, I'm unhappy with me, myself)
Synthesis>Thesis: UTILITARIANISM! (Me being unhappy--1 person--[with me, myself] is better than the majority--more than 1 person--being unhappy [with me, myself.])
Antithesis: What I (me, myself)--not the majority--want to do.
Sythesis>Thesis: I never get to do what I want to do/I am a big pushover/I give into whatever I think will make other people happy/I compromise my own happiness for everyone else/I get fucked over/(Sometimes) You get fucked over/I still feel miserable every which way/RANT/RANT/RANT...
what a horrible pattern.
(and a completely FLAWED way of applying this dialectic, Hegelians.)
This is where utilitarianism kind of smashes my back doors in.
and I'm soar for life.
None of this seem right.
(and not just because I applied all of this inappropriately)
But apparently, I'm too big of a pushover to stop being a pushover.
And apparently, I've been doing this since I was born.
It's not even that I'm too nice. I'm just too yellow-bellied.
I don't have a spine. I have jellybones.
rant rant rant,
Meri Rant Esq.
I am done thinking in html only.
Thankyou! Thanks! And I'm sorry! I really am so sorry!
I don't know if those words even count for anything.
Even when I mean it.
I really wish I had more brownie points hiding somewhere...