Title: The Hero of Central City
Author: Merigirl
Characters/Pairing: Cain
Rating: pg
Summary: er it's a song sung in the Resistance camps. *nods*
Warning: re-wording of a song. I am so sorry I have no idea where my brain is.
Disclaimer: Don't own Tin Man, the hat, Firefly or anything else.
Word Count: 264
The Tin Man they call Cain!
He robbed from the ‘Coats and he gave to the poor,
He stood up to the Sorceress and he gave her what for.
Our love for him now, ain’t hard to explain,
The hero of Central City, the Tin Man they call Cain!
Our Cain saw the Resistance' backs breakin'
He saw the Tik Toks lament
And he saw that Sorceress takin'
Every plat and leavin' five cents
So he said, "You can't do that to my people"
"You can't crush them under your heel"
Cain strapped on his hat
And in five seconds flat
Stole everything ‘Coats had to steal
He robbed from the ‘Coats and he gave to the poor
Stood up to the Sorceress and he gave her what for
Our love for him now ain't hard to explain
The Hero of Central City, the Tin Man they call Wyatt Cain!
Now here is what separates heroes
From common folk like you and I
The Tin Man they call Cain
He turned and fought with his hat
And his six shooter in hand
He fought and he fought
Till the ‘Coats came.
And the Tin Man they call Cain
The ‘Coats put in a suit o’ Tin
Took his heart and gave him pain
And he headed out for the stars
He robbed from the ‘Coats and he gave to the poor
Stood up to the Sorceress and he gave her what for
Our love for him now ain't hard to explain
The Hero of Central City, the Tin Man they call Wyatt Cain!
Um yeah I have no excuse for this but ‘Hero of Canton, The Ballad of Jayne Cobb, (From Firefly, but most of you should know that. *nods* Can I get a cheer from the Browncoats?) popped into my head and got jumbled up with Cain and I couldn’t get it out of my head.
Cain would probably go mobatshit crazy if he heard them singing in the Resistance camps. *nods* I think Adora started it though turning her husband into an Ozian Resistance folk Hero. Anyway if you wander over to youtube there are a bunch of clips of the song being sung of you need to listen to it so you can sing along. I’m not saying my adaptation is perfect, me and lyrics/poetry have an agreement to disagree.
I have no idea where my brain is.