I am bored and the Boy is watching Attack of the Clones for the eleventy-billionth time. I saw this meme on
kitschycookids lj so thought I would do it as well. its much more fun than cleaning or brushing my hair as we are pretending that zombies* are attacking outside.
*= the annoying kids on the close that have no manners and WALK INTO YOUR HOUSE WITHOUT KNOCKING and wreck everything. I am fed up.
2011: I am a 33 year old housewife living in the middle of England with my 37 year old husband and 7 year old son. I craft and sell little handmade dolls, cards, pin badges and occasionally jewellery. I somewhat work for the studio (my husband is a photographer and I just do whatever minimal paperwork I need to do. I suffer from depression, low self esteem and homesickness for the states where I'm from. I have more friends on twitter and facebook than I ever have had in life. I am overweight and have little self control when it comes to food. My stomach is less than stellar. I am allergic to broccoli, sage, bananas on their own (I am fine with banana cake and fresh fruit smoothies with bananas in). I want to write but I'm afraid to really write beyond the confines of my blog and the little stories I write to go with the dolls I make. I sometimes feel I am utterly worthless. I don't do well in winter. I mostly hate this town though I do have a few friends here. I don't sleep well at night. when the sun is out I smile more, and we are going to visit my parents next month and this makes me very happy as I miss the states very much.
2001: not a space odessy. I am 23 year old newly wed living in my mother in law's home and attempting to buy our first home. I work at Ikea Nottingham which is ok though I was so paranoid about working here that I am just working on the tills as a cashier instead of being a manager like I am qualified to do. I stopped painting and writing over a year ago. I'm not totally happy, but I am happy to be with Matt who I moved across an ocean to be with. I have no friends really, just one back home in California and another who is in Texas. I am not on the computer very much despite having met Matt a few years before on an X-files fans chat room. I am a geek. I also have severe issues with alcohol due to my mother's alcoholism.. I am a control freak.. I have burst into tears over chocolate bonbons that have alcohol in them WTF? I am probably depressed but I don't know this, or the fact that I have suffered with depression since highschool, I have never been to the doctor for it or much else, we never had insurance.
1991: I am 13, living in California, we have recently moved from a little ranch house with a pear orchard and ponies to a suburb. My room is bigger and my best friend is living with us for months at a time because her family is breaking up. I am reading a lot, a book a day at the very least. I have been reading Steven King books for about a year.. year and a bit. I have a few friends but I'm very shy and have just got over a slight speech impediment. I don't play any sports except what we play in school.. we can't afford any extra curricular activities so I read, and run around the garden. I write little stories about abandoned animals, children, and an apocalyptic sci fi or two. I love history and want to be like Indiana Jones.. an archeologist not a womanizer with a whip. I have no allergies. I day dream in class when I get bored. I can't see the blackboard at school any more and my mother doesn't want to believe I need glasses. I am starting to not trust my mother any more, she drinks to much and we have nothing to relate to. I watch horror movies with my dad all the time.
1981: I am three years old about to turn 4, we live in a farm house in a very rural part of New York state. The gander hates me and attacks me. The billy goat tries to kill me so my mother gives me a stick to scare it back. I have a puppy named Beauford ( he is very stupid.) and a cat called Daisy. There are two other dogs on the farm as well as cats, cows, pigs, chickens and the goats. Nobody really visits us though there is family a few hours drive away. we go for walks in the deep woods and everything is magic. I have lots of toys and books that I love. I am a quite kid with tangled brown hair, I climb trees and have ridden a cow. I love ladybugs, arrowheads, and the animals. I hate brussel sprouts.