Oct 25, 2009 18:02
Lawn 0.33
Meri 0.66
I guess that means I win? Kind of?
I didn't get it finished. It wasn't so much the mowing, it was more the stopping every two rows to empty the catcher and then having to get the mower started again. So in the end, I've gotten about 2/3rds done and I'll finish the rest tomorrow morning, cos not only was I buggered girl, but I needed so much to drink that my tummy couldn't keep up with it (as in I'd drink drink drink and my tummy would be full but I'd still need more to drink but couldn't, and it was getting to the point of being a bit dangerous for me dehydration wise). So I came inside, had a shower, then went back to Mitre 10 to get a weedwacker . . . only they've done so much business today that they'd sold out of the one I wanted!! (Electric but with a battery pack instead of a cord). Which sucks! They'd sold a lot of lawnmowers too - It's Labour Weekend here (we get Monday off) so people have gardening on their mind. Especially as the weather has been nice (which it often isn't on Labour Weekend). So I headed to their other store (in Mosgiel - bit out of town but I figured I deserved a ride anyway) and they had one . . . only they stuffed around so long with the credit card I wanted to put it on, that I gave up and just paid for it, so now I'm broke. Again. I need to stop spending money!!
Anyway, I'm trying to put the weedwacker together (why does everything need putting together, dammit!) and tomorrow I shall finish mowing and whacking and hopefully get some weeding done (or some plant repotting done) too. At which point I'll be exhausted and too tired to go to work on Tuesday.
Also, in a fit of insanity, I'm going to attempt NaNo this year because I know exactly what I want to do. Someone stop me, kay??
Edit to add: I'm not sure that letting me loose with power tools is a good idea. MUWAHAHHAHAHA