(no subject)

Sep 17, 2009 15:50

Give me sympathy! Not only did I have to go to the dentist, but I had a wisdom tooth pulled AND I had it pulled by the world's weakest dentist. Last two wisdom teeth I had out the dentist that did them took like 30 sec each. But this one? Took half an hour!! And she only got it out so quickly because she got another dentist to come and have a look at it, and he just put the puller thing in and gave it a good tug and the tooth started moving . . . and then my dentist said "Oh, thanks, I can take it from here" and took another ten minutes to get it the rest of the way out. I almost cried when the man!dentist walked out, I was like "NO WAIT COME BACK YOU DO IT!!" Only it came out as ""mumblemumbleumphsqueak" so he didn't hear me (he was easy on the eyes too). When I went back to the car I sat there debating whether to go back to work or not, then realised I was scatterbrained, drooling blood, and shaking, so decided not to. Now I'm at home and don't quite know what to do with myself - adrenaline I think - so I'm going to try to nap. And hope that the tooth socket actually has stopped bleeding cos it had started up again. At least I'm not in any pain yet (hey, I should take some paracetamol now in case I'm in pain when the anaesthetic wears off) . . . and the other times I've had teeth out I actually haven't had any pain afterwards either (in fact there's always been immediate cessation of toothache pain, thank God!!). The toothache pain is gone this time too, but my head hurts now . . . although that may be because I got home and Minx had shit on the kitchen floor and then Damian, the devil cat from hell (or my neighbours) ran inside and I had to chase him. On the upside my tomatoes are growing well in the windowsill in the porch in the sun - the seeds have sprouted, and the plants I bought as seedlings are also growing. Although, they do look a bit dodgy . . . but I swear, they'e tomatoes, not marijuana!! Ironically, at this time of day, the back of the house gets the sun and is lovely . . . unfortunately this means that the porch is nice and sunny and so is the bathroom. Everywhere else? Not so much. I'm seriously considering putting a chair in the porch to sit on (if I ever get the money the wall between the lounge and the porch is coming out and then the lounge would get all day sun. I mean who puts a house facing so that the best sun is gotten by rooms that don't need it? Apart from the NZ Government that is. O wait . . .

Wow, babbling much. Nap I think. At least I won't be eating too much tonight!! Having a tooth out makes you not want to eat at all.

OMG everything is such a mess at the moment and it's doing my head in! ::coping mechanisms are weakening::

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