Jul 18, 2009 23:58
Either God is sifting icing sugar (or maybe the Devil is snorting cocaine) or it's snowing outside. Just ever so slightly - enough to dust everything in white. I don't think there will be anymore though - the clouds are too high up.
I'm in bed - tried to get to sleep, but I'm not tired (probably due to nanna nap this afternoon). I'd really rather be knitting but my shoulder hurts so I know it's time to rest it. Am knitting baby clothes as a couple of women at work are pregnant. YAY LOVE KNITTING - and baby clothes are quick, which is always good.
Minx is being a toad as usual.
Got my application for a job as a probation officer submitted the other day - go me. My manager liked my application and CV and so did the other people I showed it to, so here's hoping. My manager says I should at the very least get an interview, but I'm trying to be realistic and not get my hopes up beyond that - the job market is tough and there are two people on temporary contracts already working as probation officers who have the specific experience I lack and yeah. But it's hard, because I get quite excited at the thought of doing the job.
Time to surf the net a bit before trying to get some sleep.
You know, between the swine flu, the earthquakes and now snow . . . it's a wonder NZ is still standing.