
Nov 23, 2008 09:22

This semester is a bit rough for me. I'm taking three classes at once, even though it's only 7 credits. I didn't think the third one would be that bad, since it's only one credit, but that one credit happens to be full of tae-kwon-do-goodness.

So, between using up another of my evenings in the week, making me do those horrible stomach exercises (which I think are actually becoming easier, woot) and making me realize that I had to go get the knee finally checked out (I have tendonitis and have to do PT for four weeks), I have also become much better at conflict resolution. It has made me realize that people 'front' on you all the time and try and intimidate you into giving them what they want.

yesterday, I broke a board with my hand. With my hand! It was the most amazing thing I think I've ever done. Seriously. Mostly because I didn't think it was going to happen. I'm standing there, next to my instructor, and she's telling me the how-to's and the what-for's and while I wanted to believe I could do it, the rest of me was pretty convinced that this was a solid object and wouldn't be breaking anytime soon.

The look of elation on my face when I did it. I must have said four times "I broke a board with my hand!" with this insane tone to my voice. I made the Grandmaster laugh. I made the audience laugh. I made my instructor very very proud.

I amazed myself.

And now that's become the mantra for me, when I start to think that something is too hard, or will take too much effort, or that I can't do it. I broke a board with my hand.

That's the good word for today - do something that scares you - something you aren't sure you can do - and then enjoy amazing yourself.
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