While looking for a quote from Maxfield Parrish regarding modern art (that I still can't find --so frustrating), I came across this amusing article by Brad Holland about art and postmodernism. Brad Holland "defines" the different movements in modern art with a cynical and dry wit. He's like the boy that points derisively at the king, forcing
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Truly my pleasure my dear! Your beautiful icons have given me so much enjoyment, it was the least I could do. One of these days I may very well take you up on that offer as your blog page is one of the prettiest I've seen, (and I would love some tips to improve mine) but I suspect that you have a lot on your plate right now and I want my graphic requests to be the least of your worries.
Thank you, but no, that isn't the quote, though I am going to save it. I am a quote collector. I love them -in spite of the fact that one of my favorite authors, Dorothy Sayers, says that a "facility for quotations covers an absence of original thought." I'm not sure if she meant that in a good way or a bad way, but I'm quite certain that my thoughts are not original. ;D However, after searching for about a week, I finally found the quote in a book that I have on Maxfield Parrish's art. "Modernistic-Abstractionist-Art... consists of 75% explanation and 25% God knows what!" I think that quote simply and beautifully describes a LOT of modern art. Ultimately 100% of it leaves us scratching our heads.
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