I was talking to someone who commented on my LJ about not living around other fans and never having met any. I thought, wow, that must be so hard. I've always been fortunate that I live in a big metro area where there are a lot of fans around. There is always something happening around here.
When I first found fandom, it was on the 'net. But I was told about Media West Con, and I talked my SO into taking me there. I connected with a local fan, and she introduced me to other local fans. It grew from there. My closest friends are all people I've met in fandom.
I know a lot of people who came into fandom on the 'net like I did and some have never made the connection with other fans. I know people chat, send emails, talk on lists, and in LJ to connect. I like email, and LJ, but to me, nothing compares to talking in person. Even talking on the phone isn't the same thing for me.
So, I'm wondering how
you got into fandom. Have you met other fans? Have you ever been to a con? Do you want to go to one? If you do, I have a
con for you! *g*
How do you connect, or not, with other fans?