Yeah, so much for posting once week.
Muskrat Jamboree was last weekend and it was a blast. This con is tremendously well organized and well run. And so much fun. I can't thank the con com enough for showing us such a good time.
There were many fen to see. Interestingly enough, a surprising number of them were locals for me. Not all, of course. I shared a room with 2 of my non-local peeps
lanning and
cordelia_v and it was great to see both of them. The weekend was far too short.
As I said Thursday, I have a
Dreamwidth account. I'm going to import my LJ into it at some point in the next week or two, and I'm going to cross-post for a while. Well, presupposing I can figure out how to do all of this. I've been reading the FAQ and trying to figure out how I want to move in there.
I'm watching NCIS in real time these days. It's rare that I can find time to do it, but I've fallen hard for it. Or maybe I should say I've fallen hard for Gibbs. And so far, I'm not that choosy who I pair him with. I like Abby/Gibbs as much as I like Gibbs/DiNozzo. There are a host of crossover characters I like him with as well. You still have to sell me a little for some of the other characters like Ducky or McGee, but you know, I might buy it. He's my new favorite little black dress. *g*
I've also started rewatching season 5 from the beginning.
I've pretty much given up on Leverage.
I've bought the second season of Dark Angel, but I've yet to finish the first season. I want to get to the Alec episodes for obvious reasons. Yeah, young Jenesn Ackles.
The more I see about the new Star Trek movie, the more excited I get. Is it May 8th yet?
What I want to write: I've still got that idea for a Logan Cale as a journalist AU intersecting with NCIS. I have got a very rough outline done. I just need to start to work on it.
I'd also like to finish the SPN Harlequin sequel I've been working on. I've got 10K words on that and I've finally got the plot worked out. If I ever get time again, I might get that done.
I've finished the Gibbs/Patrick Jane PWP, and just need to do a proof read before beta.
I'd also like to put the finishing touches on the gen Harry Potter story I've been working on.
And I've also got bits and pieces of stuff in NCIS, The Mentalist, and Harry Potter of course.
What I want to read: Something long and juicy and well written in the NCIS 'verse. Anyone got some recs.
What I want to rec: Got a couple of things for you guys.
Alchemy of Hope by yayqueenrudi. Gibbs/Abby. 3894 words. It was totally Gibbs. I really liked this one.
2. Xanthe's
Damaged. This is a huge story. 132,000 words of pure DiNozzo angst. Basically DiNozzo was abused by a pedophile when he was a child (12) and 25 years later, it all comes back to haunt him. Despite what you might think, the entire story is handled with care and thought.
The thing I liked best about this story was Gibbs. He was note perfect throughout. He's strong and capable and ready to kill for Tony. But more than that he's ready to give Tony what he needs to get through the ordeal that he's facing. At the beginning, when he tells Tony that he'll walk with him every step of the way, he means it. And does just that. Without going out of character.
Tony too, is very well done. He's gone through hell as a child, but he's managed to save himself when no one else would save him. He's strong and resilient, even when he's falling apart.
Xanthe has done her research and does not give in to any of the usual fandom tropes you might expect. I've read this story twice now, and she totally makes it work for me.
My God, work has been insane lately. This week was a bit better, but in general, I feel like I start the day at a run and don't stop until it's past time to go home. There are days when get home so brain dead that I look briefly at LJ when I get home for 5 minutes and then I turn on the TV and stare at that for a while. Then go to bed.
My niece is here this week, so I'm entertaining her. She's a sweetheart, but a lot of work to keep track of. On the plus side, she's always up to go to a bookstore.