I haven't been to school for over four days now. I'm sick. And I'm tired of it. For the last few weeks, I only had single days where I was sick, but the next day I felt totally fine. And that sucks. Big time. HUGE! So I wished that this frakking cold or illness or whatever may come out entirely and here we go. It started on monday, got better over the night, so I decided to make the trip to an university in Mainz (Johannes Gutenberg-Universität) which had open day specially for wannabe-students like me. They had lectures just for us and we could choose between them. I had planned to go to so many lectures, but my health told me otherwise. I sat in one lecture (I suppose it was How am I applying the right way or something like that) and I felt dizzy. A friend then asked me to join her to be guest-listener in some singing-lessons. Fine, I thought. So we went over the whole campus to find the room. When we found it, it was already crowded, but we could hear from the outside and what we heard was frakking awesome. Duh, if only I could sing like them.
So my day ended with a sore throat, coughing-attacks and a headache. It got slightly better the next morning when I found out, that AuPairCare in the US accepted my application and that my profile can now be viewed in their AuPair-database!!! How amazing is that? I just couldn't believe it, FINALLY!! Now I'm waiting for families to add, e-mail and call me :)
Uh...yeah...so I haven't been to school since monday and tomorrow I'm not going either. Just 3 classes, like every friday, and my mom told me to stay at home, to cure entirely. Alright, mommy, will do. And since I wanna go out with some friends to drink cocktails on saturday, I don't wanna be groggy. I'll probably be driving, so no alcohol. But also if I'm not driving, I won't drink any alc at all.
I bought myself a new DVD last week called Sumuru (Soph will roll her eyes here, I suppose ^^). It's a science-fiction movie, starring (drumrolls pleeease) the one and only Michael Shanks (or Mike, as Soph started to call him...and as I do now, blaming it on Soph ^^) aaaaaaaaaand a german actress, Alexandra Kamp. As far as I'm concerned, I'm totally confused how such a thing is possible. I'm sorry, but Alexandra Kamp? She gets to kiss him twice (and here, Soph's eyes will roll again ^^)!! And she tries to fake accent. Not good, Alex. She might look hot in her...uuhh...neat little outfit (emphasize little) and she is graceful as a queen, but definitely not worth kissing Michael Shanks. Nope, I'm not jealous, not at all. I just respect Lexa Doig ^^ no, really, what disturbs me the most is, that Alex can't neither act nor talk in a canadian accent - please somebody tell her to leave that to the canadians!
So...the movie is actually pretty good. Saw it a few times before my Stargate-obsession and when I heard that Michael Shanks played in that movie, I freaked. So as a fangirly I ordered that movie immediately and got it on tuesday.
Speaking of Stargate, RTL2 aired on of my favourite episodes yesterday. 10.08 Memento Mori which is a great episode, with an amazing hug at the end <3 and I made an animation of it ^^ sorry, had to ^^