I got the "Exclusive SDCC 2011 Ashcan!" that they gave out at SDCC for the Hulk of Arabia storyline debuting in October? November? of this year. Anyway, I'm not a fan of the Hulk - even if he's Red - so if any of my comics friends wants this, just let me know. I'm planning on finally mailing out the stuff I picked up at SDCC for people[1] this weekend.
[1]BTW, Desdenova - I have something for you again, as well. Bwahahaha!
talons /
Rake your talons /
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http://merhawk.dreamwidth.org/473899.html. Please comment there. If you don't have a DW account, you can use OpenID, or ask me for an invite code (if I know you/know of you). I might have extras.