BF convinced me Saturday morning that I really needed to get out of town for the weekend, and we left Saturday to hike
North Dome yesterday. We had an absolutely stunning view of Illilouette Falls across the valley from the Dome - again, a view that not very many people see. Illilouette Falls is the falls you see off to your far right when you're hiking up to the base of Vernal Falls on the Mist Trail. The bit you see there is just a tease compared to what you can see up on the Dome. I have pictures, which I'll try to put up soon.
The high country of Yosemite weaved it's spell over me and it was easier to deal with all the issues from Friday. I'm still not happy, but BF & another friend gave me some great advice[1] which is that when she's calm enough and fully ready to talk with me, she'll contact me. Until then, I just can't stress over it and will concentrate on other things. I've started into my inner sociopath by
renaming the subheader part of my journal. I've also spent the past few (very slow) hours at work playing around with tagging all my LJ entries instead of using the memory feature. I never liked how the memory feature shows LJ titles to people who don't have access privleges to see the item. It just seems... cruel, somehow. As well as hard to make it so that you can remember what you said about something without letting the whole world (or anyone who wants to access your memories) know what you thought about a specific person or situation.
Finally, as my Public Service Announcement of the year, emotionally it's like a kick in the gut when someone goes through and methodically deletes all their comments from your journal. Deleting from a specific LJ post/situation is one thing. Deleting everything? Makes it feel like the person is saying "Not only do I not want to talk to you in the future, I regret having ever talked with you in the past." As my PSA, I need to say that if you're going to do something like that - just make sure your absolutely, positively sure that's the attitude you want to convey. When emotion's are running strong it's never a wise idea to do anything that extreme.
And now I'm off to home and possibly Monday night board gaming. If anyone else bothers to show up on this holiday weekend.
[1]Which I knew, but sometimes you have to have other people smack you around to do what you know you need to.