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Mar 31, 2004 21:38

Hello kiddos! Hows it going? i must say its going pretty good... im still so very excited for morp!!! i got my outfit today! yeeeee!!!except i need pink hoops earings!anyone want to donate!? haha...well im still struggling in math so im most likely going to drop it since i have to take both semesters in summer school this sucks i was just doing good too! ugh! oh well! then my day just kinda went downhill then uphill to make a long story short haha ..oh yes i must mention brittany g you look H-O-T-T HOT in that workout gear! haha we are going to look like PIMPS at morp! lisa and stefanie you guys are gonna look so cute!yay!14 days till brittany gs birthday! Uh Oh!!! were gonna go all out britty be prepared! Oh yah i got an editors position for yearbook next year! im so excited! i want to run for something but im not sure what to run for...hmmm junior year defenitley want to run for Spirit Director!! haha well kids its been a long day and im beat! YAY NO MORE MS KOHEN!! wahoo! okay later!

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