May 21, 2006 15:50
So all day today I've been doing research about the death penalty: how dna has changed a lot of perspectives, the exonerations of innocent defendants (and others that have been put to death), the herrara case, and possible reforms for the system. oh's fun stuff.
it's all for my final paper--possibly THE final paper of my college career because neither my prof NOR one of my friends from class (that class i had missed in my last entry)has been able to e-mail me the last assignment. apparently people are too busy to check their e-mail (even once a week?) which means i could be royally fucked....and sadly i don't even care. blah.
but anyway...the only thing two things that have kept me focused today are
1)the fact that sunday tv sucks. sucks major monkey balls. shitty infomercials...and even worse movies.
2) caitlin was going to come over later-which meant i had to get stuff done as early as possible
now, not only is caitlin NOT coming over...but keeping the faith is on comedy central. i haven't seen it in 12791896 years...but if i remember correctly-it's pretty funny.
"So this is a rectory. That sounds like a bad word. Rectory!" it a coincidence that rectory and rectum are so much alike??
Anyway...I'm going to continue watching this movie, and I might just get to my paper later. Only time will tell.
PS. Kim...remember how we were talking about the actor who lives in Kingston?? His name is Chris Cooper. And I went on IMDB today and not only has won an oscar...but he's been in a bajillion and two movies!! Look him up!