(no subject)

Dec 30, 2004 18:37

Well, i dont update too much but i here i am again doin my thang..

ok so heres the deal-

my mom comes home from work today and i approach her to maybe strike up an interesting convo:

me: "so mom, what do u think about maybe us finding some way to donate money or sumthing to help out the tsunami survivors. Do you think that would be hard to do? i mean i was watching the news today and there are web sites and numbers we can call and stuff."

mom: "i dont know, but what i think isn't hard to do is you helping out and doing things around the house while i'm at work!!"

me: "WHAT! i just did five hundred loads of wash yesterday!"

mom: "thats great, but you have to keep up with those things everyday. god, one day isnt enough u kno!"

me: "wut the hell mom, chill out, its not like the world is coming to an end, it. will. be. OK!"

mom: "jesus meredith, i cant talk to you about anything without you saying soming wise, just go away!"

ya so in conclusion, it just seems like sumthings wrong if she cares more about wash than world disasters and it just made me really upset that she feels that way and now shes all pissed at me and i'm all pissed at her and its just one big happy family!, yeaaaaah

and i go to my dad to talk about it and hes all pumped and thinks its a great idea, wuts the deal with moms and dads anyway, theres such a huge difference between them, i dont get it. i mean, my dad is sooooo different in so many ways, hes way more laid back and my mom is always tense and defensive about everything, if this is just regular woman ways then god it REALLY does fucking suck to be a chick! (i'm so scared of becoming old and being like that ahhh) yea so like, it cant be PMS cuz shes ALWAYS like this! god damn, i dont know, who knows, enough rambling, i'm done

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