one Helios posted

Mar 11, 2008 14:47

"No soul is desolate as long as there is a human being for whom it can feel trust and reverence." ~George Eliot

and Jenny:
Which Beatles song are you?
Your Result: Eleanor Rigby

You live life through your interactions with others, and you often find yourself analyzing these relationships. You appreciate beauty, so you should be careful of prioritizing aesthetics over real substance.
The Space Between

Hey Jude

Yellow Submarine

Here Comes the Sun

All You Need is Love

Twist and Shout

Being for the Benefit of Mr. Kite

Which Beatles song are you?
Quizzes for MySpace

(Beatles - Eleanor Rigby of course)

image Click to view

(did you notice? the phonebooth...wrong color though, pity)

and discovered Stanley Jordon -- WOW... :

image Click to view

(The space between) Within Without You:
...I have no idea why - lj keeps placing the Stanley Jordan youtube video here ???

Emma scored as Being for the benefit of Mr. Kite which completely threw her for the rest of the morn... she was quite distant, bratty and ended up getted grounded from youtube... true that song doesn't make sense especially compared to she really liked Eleanor Rigby and has been singing Down to the River To Pray (from Oh Brother Where Art Thou Soundtrack) for the past three days for the talent show.

Philip scored this morn as Mr. Kite too, which was strange because his answers where very different and Emma answered almost the same as me... (-the following song line up was much different though.)

oH, entertainment!
I want to listen to the The Beatles is time. I used to own lots of their records - yes - records, those big black vinyl (? right) things what Shaun used against the first Zombie.... I don't have a record player anymore even if I did know what happened to all my old music. although, with Tim's Red Green tempermant, there's probably one in the basement or garage somewhere...

*Rowan got Mr Kite too!! -maybe it's the under age 18 question ..?
here is the comment concerning For The Benefit of Being Mr. Kite:
"Nobody really understands you, and you might or might not get yourself. You have to prove your character, integrity, and worth to other people through dangerous or spectacular feats. You claim to "challenge the world," but you look more foolish than anything.
Philip didn't care, he's always happy.
Rowan didn't get it anyway

...yeah, George was my favorite.
painted him in college. painted them all actually. they ended up on friends walls and who knows where they are now. hopefully not trashed :( ...while not perfect they were still good, cause, you know, I just copied them from an album cover and my copy skills have always been excellent.

youtube, stanley jordan, personality quizes/tests, quotes, the beatles, music

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