• we watched Monty Python's Holy Grail a little bit ago with the kids. They have watched it a few more times on their own before sending back to netflix (boy with ADD puts it in mailbox with flap still attached, not sealed...ugh. thank goodness I saw it - I'm tired of ADD and all that, I don't want to be the mom anymore, I need a vacation. I can take one you know...)
So this morn before school, we were repeating lines and scenes and having a jolly time: the kids will remember the lines word for word - but I can do the voices.. hehe, I love to laugh with them over those silly things. And that is definitely a SILLY movie!
my favorite Monty Python movie is The Life of Brian. course I haven't watched Monty Python for 20 yrs ya know. I'm not sure about watching The Meaning of Life with Them: I just remember thinking it was hilarious yet bad, oh so bad in parts... maybe that was my perspective at the time. I can't remember hardly any of it really except for the part (which still makes me laugh, but is bad, of so bad!) where the protestants and catholics live across the street: the protestant woman is making the point to her husband about WE can use birth control...hinting... expressively. and I can't remember what he is about but definitely not interested in sex - looking out the window and comparing himself (one-up-man-like) to his catholic neighbors I think. Whilst across the street at the catholic house, where of course they can't use birth control and kids are everywhere, mum is in the kitchen washing dishes and "plop" out falls another one (baby) and she calls over to one of the kids or husband "Will you get that" with disinterest like its a potato she was peeling falling to the floor. (haha - so bad!!)
Then I started singing this song "Always look on the BRighT si-ide of life. DAduh DAduh daDuh dUH. Always look on the BRighT si-ide of life..." and in my head I see scene switches between all sorts of different characters in different life situations singing this song...
• Emma is really anxious to see Dr Hale. She has developed a "giggling tic" and she doesn't like it. (and honestly it is quite annoying, quiet...but kinda creepy) though she feels very happy, it isn't a comfortable feeling she says. just 1 & 1/2 more weeks. hang on Emma.
Her grades are awesome, I'm so proud of her, and she feels good about herself for it.
• Science fair(S!): how long can I bag my head on the table before it does semi-permanent damage?
• Rowan is intensely envious (well he just want's to do it damnit!) over Emma and Philip's rubix cubes they got from Santa. He keeps ...uh, re-arranging them when possible, which causes much irritation to the owner, which is, completely understandable. but guess what! - birthday coming up :)
point: He actually gets the little booklet that comes with it and tries to follow the directions (at 6, almost 7 - 1st grade) and did I mention that he put together *hold on, I should get a pic*:
this one and a couple others mostly ALL BY HIMSELF by FOLLOWING THE DIRECTIONS. mainly because he couldn't wait for Papa to get home to help him.
(I believe, he is the only person in our family who actually reads directions.)
is it just me, or is this like - OMG - for a 6 going on 7yr old?
(oh please and thank the Creator: no ADD, no ADD... a bit OCD that doesn't cause problems I can deal with! happily. please)
back to the rubix cube: Tim says as a kid he had one and could solve it. I told him he had to prove it! (remember all those people that memorized the cheat solve?). Course, he isn't the type to make up stuff, lived on a farm where he worked hard and didn't really socialize except with his twin brother... so, why not. I'm impressed. I wanna see him do it.
think he's forgotten though.
me - i can get one side :) maybe two if I was intent
• one more: my first, new, and not necessarily every 365 days pic :