When it's OK to Deceive.

Apr 14, 2019 17:26

I love my hubby, but we have disagreements. No... wait, we have agreements, but then he does his own thing regardless of what we agreed on and if I try to discuss it with him it becomes this - he-said-she-said mess and I didn't mean it that way won't do it again blah blah blah...never a real resolution just a point of frustration thing - you get the picture. Well, one of our big ones centers around healthy food in the house. If we have junk food in the house, the kids will always eat that up and not the healthy stuff. (Junk food is fine in moderation, but if there is 3 packages of pop tarts, 3 bags of chips, ice cream, fig newtons available at the same time those apples and carrots just don't really seem very appealing anymore do they?)

We are almost empty nesters at this point but it still happens. Rowan is a senior and currently battling stress, anxiety, and weight issues. Recently, hubby went to the store and bought all the things previously mentioned at one time, while just previously telling me I should only buy diet pop for D&D nights (we have about 8 boys at our house every Saturday to play Dungeons & Dragons) because "Rowan is really gaining a lot of weight".

I was SO frustrated after he did that. But, I also knew trying to talk with him wouldn't be productive. (I could go into all that, but maybe later.) I had a night of insomnia and was thinking, what would make ME feel better? So, I snuck into the kitchen and threw away the majority of the junk food, not noticeably though. For example, all the pop tart boxes were open, so I threw away a couple packages leaving just one inside.

I FELT SO MUCH BETTER!!! Normally, I really don't think it fine to do this in a relationship. And I've never wanted the kind of relationship where spouses aren't best friends and support each other, right? But, when you don't get that support, even though you are doing everything you can and know to make it right but that doesn't change things, I'm here to say - bring out your inner rogue (yes, D&D pun intended). AND TAKE CARE OF IT YOURSELF, in secret.

No one was ever the wiser. I rolled well.

Do you agree?


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