jack_rubicon tagged me a couple days ago for a music meme... can't remember how many songs I'm supposed to list but here's my favorites of what I've been listening (many many times) to recently:
Your Wish is My Wish & Wake Up by Sarah Slean
the songs on the Iron Man soundtrack that have the main melody
Comptine D'Un Autre: L'Apres Midi & La Valse D'Amelie (piano version) from the Amelie sndtrk
Weird Fishes/Arpeggi, Faust Arp, Videotape & House of Cards by Radiohead
The Beatles: Eleanor Rigby & When I'm Sixty Four
I'd tag others but usually I have no idea the songs or bands... without being able to listen to them on the post seems pointless unless you are already familiar. :/
that's me though, I have no idea what's going on in the world. yes, I like my bubble, don't pop it please...