september recs, day twenty-two: recipes for kitchen incompetents!

Sep 22, 2013 22:18

Back when I did fics about food (incidentally I just found this Vikings fic and I am SO MAD that I discovered it too late to include in that post so uh yeah if you're into haute cuisine, restaurant AUs and banging threesomes I strongly advise you click that little link) I promised a post of recipes that even I, kitchen incompetent and super broke, can make and love, and lo and behold I have delivered!

crisp rosemary flatbread
So easy, so delicious, so cheap! It will make your life easier if you have baking paper and some sort of rolling pin but you can use a glass or your bare hands if you need to. I'm not a huge fan of rosemary so I usually use garlic instead, and chive works too!

baked apples
Even easier! I like to sprinkle on brown sugar and cinnamon before baking and then adding some maple syrup to the bowl when I eat it, but I've got a bigger sweet tooth than most people. This is a great way to use up apples that are a little bruised or mushy or are even starting to rot -- just cut off the gross parts when you're chopping up the apples.

millionaire's shortbread
This one can be a little bit tricky but I promise it's worth it! Once you get the hang of lining your pan with baking paper, it will save you so much energy on cleanup, you don't even know. Definitely melt the chocolate and make the caramel in the microwave, life is too short for double-boilers. If you have an electric egg beater or similar tiny self-whisking device, that will make combining the melted butter and condensed milk for the caramel much less labor-intensive. The layer of caramel takes for-e-ver to set, so plan to leave it in the freezer overnight, pour on the layer of melted chocolate in the morning, and stick it back in the freezer to get the chocolate to solidify until whatever afternoon or evening festivities you're bringing this British delight to! Share the wealth with all your friends, and DO NOT EVER tell anyone how much butter goes into the recipe.

cream scones
I'm going to make your life so much easier with this handy little trick: forget everything about rolling out, cutting, whatever. Mix up the dough and slap it into a muffin tin to bake. Your scones will come out circular and scone-like and perfectly attractive, and you don't need to tell anyone how they got that way.

avocado mac and cheese
Probably the most expensive recipe on here, because you do have to buy avocados and decent cheese (I like to use extra sharp cheddar, not Monterey Jack), but it's so worth it. If you don't eat it all immediately it'll turn brown, but any leftovers will still taste fine the next day, they'll just look pretty gross. If you care about that (I don't! Your stomach doesn't have eyes, as my grandmother says), just make sure you've got a couple friends over to help you consume the whole pot.


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