Decisions on the Date and Shape of the Mereth Aderthad

Oct 02, 2016 16:58

I have successfully weathered my first month as a teacher at my new school, so it's time to resume planning for the Mereth Aderthad!

We need to decide which date is best for people. We also need to decide on the shape of the event (i.e., should we have the "anchor event" we discussed? Skip the anchor event but plan formal fannish gatherings throughout the week? Or keep it totally casual?)

I've set up a survey on Google Forms to collect this data. If you are interested in attending the Mereth Aderthad (even if it is only a very remote possibility at this point!) please take a moment to share your thoughts on the survey.

Take the Mereth Aderthad Survey!

I will close the survey on October 10. Please feel free to signal-boost the Mereth Aderthad community and survey to other groups and fans who might be interested.

Finally, I want to thank lignota and heartofoshun for creating the icons for our community!

survey, admin post, scheduling

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