CanCon Photos, Part the First

Aug 21, 2008 18:11

This here contains random shots of the city in which no actual fangirls appear. Those pics will be along in another post under a filter (CanCon only). Much as there are some folks on my flist I'd love to share any and all photos with, I have to keep them back for the comfort of the other fangirls in said photos, gnome sane? And it's just too complicated to run a spreadsheet of who precisely can be shown to whom. Sorry, dudes.


On the rooooooooooad. In which my environs look like the shots in Durham County and creep me out now. THANKS TV.


I can see the Tdot!

The pedestrian bridge at Mystic Pointe I can never not take a photo of.

Touring, touring, is never boring...

No segue! Um, Here are Reg and Noel and Bruce all being kind of awesome. Too bad my pictures failed.

Sockpuppet Joe is drowning his sorrows at the Wheat Sheaf Tavern on Friday.

This is where they shot the exteriors for Flashpoint 1x05!! And also the interior is the bank they used in Vault. Dorky awesome, y/n?

The bank's twin. Toronto has architecture of win. (Confidential to Brynn and Cat, send me your pics of... everything, kthx.)

A fountain in the Eaton Centre... which is also a Flashpoint filming site. \o/

This is the bar at the Queen Mother Cafe on Queen West., The food there is made of NOM.

Nathan Phillips Square is pretty.

Needs an apostrophe. arrow00 couldn't doctor it with a pen this time.

Walking up Spadina on the way to Kensington Market on Sunday.

Pedestrian day in the market! Super cool. I'm glad the fangirls got to see it like that-- it's not usually quite as much fun.

Music, yay!

That's it for now! :)

pictures, on the lam, \o/, fangirl fun, cancon2008, good times, bruce mcdonald, toronto

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