It is quite mysterious that this should have made its way to us rather than the intended recipient.
If it weren't nearly 11 years old, I'd certainly have to pass it on. What a shame if the message never reached Ottawa! (I'm minded to look up the names on the telegram -- perhaps I could find out if they're living in the same place now. I have a feeling.)
The telegram came enclosed in a card (one of the boyslash ones from Cafepress yay!) and said this inside:
Hi Meres!
For reasons that don't need exploring at this juncture, I came into possession of the enclosed telegram.
I have reason to believe that you are the appropriate recipient of this document.
It's a bit cryptic, but I'm thinking
Zabira might be able to help put it into context.
Much love,
YAY MAL. I love it times one billion. *smooshes the boys together* I mean, it's got everything: irate, pining Ray (♥!), beaver reference, a not so oblique declaration of love... eeee! Oh, Fraser. The doofus, what did he have to go to Ottawa for?
♥ ♥ ♥