My day, let me show you it.

Jun 23, 2008 18:53

- The evacuation alarm totally went off at work today. All the hoods and vents turned off, and the fume hoods started beeping shrilly, as they do, and then the alarm was on. Not Cool. I was actually doing some work! I wanted to go home! So we got to stand outside in the pouring down storm for a few minutes. Win. The building didn't even have the decency to have been struck by lightning or something.

- I have more blisters on my feet, because naturally the rainiest day ever is the day I choose to wear my awesome, but slightly too small bright green Chucks.

- Is it actually possible to be allergic to mosquito bites? Because I am that person. It is one thing to get the little itchy bump right after the bite. It is a whole other thing to have what appears to be a Type IV reaction a day later. I look like I'm growing a second knee on my left leg, here -- forget the bite on my ass.

- I am starting work on a paper soon? :D?

- I am actually toying with the idea of joining a team for dS Match. My girls Nos and Z are captains! But I could fail them. Considering that I've written about 1000 words total in dS, am I a) crazy or b) insane to be contemplating this?

- It is nearly Canada Day. If anyone wants me to buy them stupid swag, speak now.

- I am cooking egg rolls without any pants on. ETA: I'm not wearing any, either.

ETA2: Aaaaaaand the hot water is not working, again. Magical.

scientific progress goes 'boink'?, work, crazytown, nature hates me, random, rl, the thing about me is i'm kind of a dork

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