Here, have some caps from BSG 4x06, since there are never too many:
Leoben in the first ten minutes! \o/
Leoben freaks Athena out. Hehe. He's kind of like that random guy who talks to you on the bus -- seems harmless, but it's kind of weird anyhow.
So pretty.
Come on, Sammy. Leoben just wants to be friends. *g*
Yep, still pretty.
So is Starbuck, for that matter.
She looks so tired and sad. :(
Kara starts to get a good feeling. Leoben watches, because that's what he does.
That's his happy/proud/I told you face. &hearts (My one complaint about BSG? Callum doesn't get to smile.)
How much to I love that she immediately looks at him? A lot.
Glee! &hearts
She's so relieved.
You guys, this is so my new OT3 OMG. I will have the babies of the first person to make me an icon. Kara/Sam/Leoben h/c FTmotherfrakkingW. \o/
I would not have even left that Raptor, nope.
Well, okay, maybe if Leoben was going to hover all over me.
Natalie, you're giving Kara a headache. >:(
Natalie says no to the hybrid field trip. Leoben's head tilt says "o rly!?!?"
Natalie does not now what to do with him. Crazy older brother.
C'mon, work with us, Natalie.
Eyes up, mister. :P
She's still not sure.
Leoben is pretty convincing. And also just pretty.
[biogeek] The datastream thingee looks like a fluorescent microarray picture.[/biogeek]
It's a party in the disco!
I r smug!Leoben. He's so pleased to have made things happen. *smishes him*
You just have to give in and sort of . . . absorb the crazy, Kara.
Leoben tries to help Eight when she gets shot. :(
Kara gets the bad news. Oh, hybrid. Why so crazy?
OT3 in red!
In conclusion,
That was fun. Now back to the stuff I'm supposed to be working on.