1. Metric's new album Synthetica is out on Tuesday and aaaaah, I love it (maybe not as much as Fantasies, but still). It can be streamed at
their website and I am all hearts-in-eyes about the opening to Artificial Nocturne. I tried to get tickets to the invite-only show Tuesday in Toronto with my trivia knowledge, but failed. ALAS.
2. Avengers. I don't even know. I blame the eye candy and fandom talent. I should just start bookmarking already and stop pretending I'm not reading ALL the fic.
Now, people keep likening the character of Thor to an enthusiastic Labrador or some such, which: valid! But I maintain that he is, in fact, my cat Max. Or Max is him. If I had an occasion to rename Max, I would have to name him Thor, and probably get him a friend in the form of a smaller, darker, bitchier cat.
Stature: Imposing.
Coloration: Fair.
Personality: Extremely gregarious with frequent bouts of excessive belligerence. Doesn't listen so well.
Appetite: Enormous. Will pillage your cupboards.
Habits: Attacking things. Looking upwards (at nothing) and yelling. Lounging around majestically like he's the king of wherever he's parked himself. Breaking stuff. Going on quests to places he probably shouldn't. Smiting evil (Max's villains include
coasters and silverfish). Getting excited about storms.
Misc: Max is permanently declawed, but Thor was for a while, himself, so it stands. I don't know Max's thoughts on hammers.
I think it's a compelling case.
3. Still unemployed. Keep fingers crossed for funding to come through for the only likely prospect I have. It's been a few weeks since the paperwork was submitted. My optimism wanes.
4. I am still not bored of all this downtime. Truly, my second calling is hermit.
5. METRIC. Did I mention how much I love Emily Haines? I love her.
6. NIGHT DANGER deer/moose signs inspire me to start a metal band with that name. We can paint zombie deer on our jackets. Who's with me?
... Hi! Bye!