SPN 6x20 "The Man Who Would Be King"

May 06, 2011 21:36

Caaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaas, baby, I love you.

So badass. So woobie. (He brought back Sam! HE WENT AND GOT SAM. ♥ ♥ ♥)

And FINALLY Dean actually goes to bat for Cas, after all he's done. He loooooooooves him.

Sadly, Cas' use of pop-culture references will always give the lie.

Doesn't matter. CAS ILU. And Crowley, too. The weasel.

Poor, Cas. And now Dean has all this moral high-ground even though he's consistently treated Cas like shit all season. Who cares who made deals with demons this time? JUST HUG IT OUT.

Oh, God, the angst, I cannot take it. D: D: D:

... And then I missed a part because my mom came home and now Crowley let Cas out of the fire DID DEAN LEAVE HIM THERE?! ;_;

And yay, tell that demon off!

Oh my god, the shippy angst I can't even. ("Like a brother" comment notwithstanding.)

Noooooooooooooo. D:


Fix-it fic. Now, please.

Yep. Deep. >.>

i am not making an spn tag dammit, squee, tv

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